Sunday, June 9, 2019

A Windy Sunny Sunday


It's 6:20 and I was up just in time to catch the sunrise around 6:00.  It arrived just before the roar of bass boats hanging a right around the tip of Long Point, the first tournament of the year.  It's warming up in the mornings, 63º this morning compared to yesterday's 51º. And the lake is beginning to ruffle so I had better get out there soon before it gets too windy.  I am listening to a  Bill Simmons' podcast about the NBA playoffs and the play of Kawhi Leonard.  It's 8:20, Evie and I are sitting on our front porch, and I just returned from a windy, choppy paddle of over an hour. I was able to photograph a couple of herons and paddled among a plethora of spawning carp, splashing and surfacing along the shoreline. It happens every June.  

Kayaking On A Choppy Morning

Among the Reeds

Off Of Long Point
Yesterday was another spectacular Saturday in June, sunny, a light wind, and not too hot and although it did get up to 80º, it never felt like it.  I started the day with a long paddle and was home, finishing up the blog before Evie was up.  We took our time getting outside, making sure to get the house in order and gather the trash.  I took off for the Transfer Station with lots of cardboard, courtesy of all the things we have bought from Amazon. 

Pretty In Pink
The major project of the day was to sand down an outdoor table, then paint it which took Evie a good part of the late morning and early afternoon.  I did not do much, preferring to watch some of the French Open and read, a lazy Saturday for me for the most part.  I had a mushroom quesadilla for lunch which was great, a new discovery really from Evie.  The afternoon was filled with boats, kayaks, and people enjoying the lake, as crowded and busy as it has ever been in June.  It was as if finally we had a great weekend weather-wise.  Around 3:30, I tired of reading and watching some tennis, so I came out and worked in the yard for an hour, doing some edging, digging, cleaning up the compost pile by moving it from one side to the other. 

Northern Flicker

Red Headed 

Woodpecker Like Beak
We both had a cocktail hour in mind as a reward for the day's work and because we wanted to enjoy the late afternoon on our porch.  So we were out having a Manhattan by 6:00 and enjoying an 'unexpected cheddar' from Trader Joe's.  It was so pleasant, so much fun watching the busy lake and a Northern flicker, a small woodpecker, digging for ants that we didn't come in for dinner, hot dogs with coleslaw, until 7:00.  We watched a subpar Real Time with Bill Maher and ended the night with the second episode of Chernobyl, hard to watch but also riveting and well done.  Chernobyl is a name we recognize but know little about the consequences of the meltdown of the core.   

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