Thursday, February 21, 2019

Windy And Wet

It's 6:30 and I have been up since 5:30, listening to the wind whip the canvas porch covering, as drizzle begins to melt the snow.  No cross country skiing today, alas.  It's warming up some, 36º at the moment and will get into the 40's this weekend.  The weather gods cannot make up their minds.  Is it winter or the beginning of spring?

Yesterday ended up being a pretty good day as it was still cold, no rain, and the roads were fine despite the cold and snow.  I made it to yoga, an easy class because our teacher, Jen, was recovering from the flu.  So we had lots of relaxation, no problem for me.  Afterward, I drove to Aldi's, to pick up a few things and our dinner, a filet of 'no frozen' salmon from Chile.  Fake news?

A Docked Ice Boat In Lakewood
I returned home to a great lunch, basically a western omelet with the leftover Bob Evans sausage and home fries from the previous night's dinner.  I watched another episode of FNL's, then started to read a much-recommended book, LET THE CRAWDADS SING, by Delia Owens.  Set off the coast of North Carolina in the 1950s and 1960s, it follows the life of Kya, the 'Marsh Girl,' who is abandoned by her parents at a young age and forced to survive on what I will call 'shit, grit, and mother wit.'

Cross Country Skiing at 4:45
By midafternoon, I had my nap and was tired of reading and despite the heavy winds, I decided to give cross country skiing a try.  I expected to be out for 15 minutes but for some reason, the wind abated and I was out for a good forty-five minutes, following the tracks I had made the day before. Unlike Tuesday's sun and blue skies, it was overcast and gray but still exhilarating to be out on the lake.  I never tire of it, whether skiing, kayaking, swimming or boating.

Late Afternoon On The Ice
Earlier, Evie had made the maple syrup/soy/garlic marinade for salmon, so after a glass of wine, she baked it in the oven, made the rice, brussell sprouts and a salad.  I bought a fairly large filet so we had practically half of the fish left after dinner.  We are really enjoying this salmon marinade, something different from our usual go to recipe from my sister Ellen.  We decided to watch a feel-good movie on Netflix called DUMPLIN, about a heavy set teenager who decides to participate in a beauty pageant.  Predictable and at times corny, it was still fun, a film our granddaughters would have loved a couple of years ago.  We ended the evening with Colbert interviewing Andrew Mc Cabe, who must be the busiest guest on TV and radio.  Every time we turn to a news program, he's there being interviewed.  We ended the night with a depressing Vice News, as Haiti explodes with violence and the Amazon rain forest continues to disappear despite efforts to save it by locals using drones.

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