Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sunny, Blue Skies And 9º



It's now 8:00 and I have been up for an hour, watching the sunrise on a brilliant, clear morning sky, but now the clouds have taken over, turning the sky to gray.  Lots of fishing huts are out, over in front of the bathhouse rather than off of Long Point, a hearty group of fishermen.

Early Bird Catches The Worm
Saturday was cold, what else, as winter has returned and the skies cleared up and the sun came out in the afternoon.  Since we are driving to Jill's on Tuesday and Evie has volunteered to bring a couple of casseroles for the gathering on Wednesday evening, Evie spent the morning finding recipes and making a long shopping list.  I did the usual, gathering the trash and taking it off to the Transfer Station and it was cold, my fingers were practically frozen by the time I returned.

Evie left for Wegman's just after noon but before she left, she made a great salad with avocados.  She also toasted some bread in the oven so I had a healthy lunch.  I watched some basketball, channel surfing between a couple of games but then returning to my soap, Friday Night Lights, Season Five.  I then relaxed in the living room, enjoying the afternoon sunshine and started a new Gabriel Allon novel for some reason.  I am now reading three books at once, the one on Lake Erie, the free book from Amazon, and Daniel Silva, all on my Kindle.  I also took a brief nap and started to think about packing for our road trip to Virginia.  We will be gone for at least a week so I need to pack just enough to get by without going crazy as I usually do.  I don't need seven shirts or tee's for example but usually, pack that many.

Evie was back from shopping by 3:00, in time to put everything away. Around 5:00 we both showered and got dressed because we were meeting Linda and Ron at The Big Inlet Brewery, just outside of Mayville.  It's been open for a few months but seems to have a regular clientele on weekends.  We arrived at 6:30 and were able to garner a table.  Two friends of Linda and  Ron joined us, John and Julie, residents of Mayville. We ordered our dinners from the food truck which seems to be outside on weekends.  It makes going to the brewery more fun.  I had a great gumbo and Evie had a meatball sub, both quite good.  We sat drinking beers and enjoying our food until 8:00 when we headed home, on a single digit night.  It's always good to get home to our warm house.  We watched some basketball and news until bedtime.

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