Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Dreary, Dreary Morning

It's 7:50 and I am sitting here listening to raindrops falling on our roof, on a foggy, gray, 34º morning, as the snow and ice on the lake continue to melt.  The weather has discouraged the ice fishing guys somewhat although I can see a couple out in the middle of the lake, a couple of smudges in an otherwise gray morning.

Jamestown Riverwalk Hiking/Biking Trail
Yesterday was a mostly wasted day.  I did not go to yoga because I had a car appointment at 10:30, to check out the brakes on my Outback.  The good news, I still have a decent set of pads left after 50,000 miles but the consultant convinced me to have them taken apart and cleaned, probably a scam.  So I wasted two hours waiting for my car although I did take a walk on the Jamestown Trail, which leads from just behind the Subaru dealer to Jamestown.  I rode my bike on it this past summer, and it's asphalt for a couple of miles, along the Chadokoin River, as it wends its way into Jamestown.  It was snow covered in a couple of places but a comfortable forty five minute walk.

Walking Along The Chadokoin River
When I returned home, it was 1:00, past my lunchtime.  Evie had made another pot of mushroom barley soup which was simmering on the stove when I walked in.  She is still not feeling great but was able to get a few things done in the morning.  I made myself a salami sandwich, with tomato and cheese, to go with the soup and watched FNL's.  One more episode to finish Season Four and then I will start on Season Five, the last season of the series.

Fishing Off Of Woodlawn At 6:00 PM
Our afternoon went quickly, reading, napping and watching the build-up to last nights SOTU speech.  I decided that a pizza sounded good for dinner so I drove over to Bemus and picked up a pizza from Coppola's, our go-to pizza joint.  It was a good choice, as we both enjoyed it with a salad.  We watched a Colbert from Monday night but then spent the rest of the evening watching the pundits lead up to the speech, then the speech itself.  I have never much enjoyed the SOTU speeches, usually a grocery lists of exaggerated things the President has done, of things he would like to do but never does.  Last night was typical, as Colbert said, 'like watching paint dry.'  One of the moments I will remember, however, was Trump trumpeting the fact that women are increasingly part of the workforce.  As he extolled this, the women in the House, dressed in white, stood up and cheered. the irony of this lost on Trump.  The increase in their numbers to 102 representatives was an obvious response to Trump, his tweets and disgusting, mean, often sexist and intolerant policies.  The other takeaway was visual, the extraordinary diversity of the Democratic side of the House contrasted with the old, white male Republican side. An amazing optic, the past, and future.  And so it goes.

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