Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A Lesson In Leadership: General N. Michael Bissell

General N. Michael Bissell With His Cadets At Mary Baldwin University

Today, a mass will be said for our daughter Jill's father in law, General N. Mike Bissell, followed by a gathering at Jill's house to celebrate his life.  Unfortunately, because of the weather, we are not able to be there.  We did, however, want to honor this great soldier, leader, and father by quoting him on leadership, one of his passions.

Over the years, he grew concerned that colleges, military or otherwise, weren’t teaching leadership. During his career, he said he spoke with lieutenants and sergeants who didn’t know how to appear credible and relate to their platoons.  He explained to them they didn’t need bravado or to know everything, they only needed humility and respect. “I’ve been through more leadership courses in the Army than Heinz has pickles,” he told the interviewer. “But they never taught me what it’s all about. My definition is that leadership is ‘caring for people.’ That’s it. You take care of people, they will follow you anywhere.”

Lady Cardinal This Morning
It's a snowy morning here at the lake, 24º, another day of waiting to head to Virginia to visit our daughter Jill and attend our granddaughter Halle's three-day volleyball tournament in Washington, D.C.  We originally planned on driving there on Tuesday but because of the weather, we are waiting until Thursday when the weather, we hope, will warm up some.

Loving Safflower Seeds
Yesterday was a sloppy day out on the roads, with lots of accidents on the Interstates because of the snow, ice, and traveling too fast.  Around here, as long as you were in no hurry, it was decent unless someone was tailgating you, a problem with all the "hot shots" in their pick up trucks.  I did make it to yoga class, had fun, and stopped and talked with the guys at Ryders Cup for twenty minutes before driving home.

Lunch was another quarter of a Wegman's sub sandwich and Evie's homemade soup, with enough left for today I hope.  I read, napped as usual after lunch and another episode of Friday Night Lights.  The weather was windy and wet, a wintry mix so I had no desire to get out and walk or ski.  I spent a good amount of time on my computer, checking the driving conditions in Pennsylvania yesterday, today and tomorrow, hoping that Thursday would be our best bet to get to Virginia safely.  It looks like it will be warming up most of our drive, at least for now.

Solitary Fisherman
We both decided early that we wanted to go to Steeners Pub for their steak and fry special.  We have become regulars.  Driving there was fine, just wet snow and we easily found a seat at the bar.  We struck up a conversation with Phil, our plumber, and talked with him for a good half hour, about the great sports teams and athletes from the area.  He has done lots of research on not only the great teams but the history of Chautauqua Country.  He also knows our neighborhood well, as he has been our neighborhood's plumber for forty years, a good guy.  He left just as our steak and fries arrived and we were sad to see him leave.  Our dinner was just as good as last weeks, great steak and fries.  We will be back.

We were home by 8:00 and watched Colbert then spent the last hour and a half watching the Westminster Dog Show, always fun.  It makes me want to have a dog but by this morning I have gotten over it.  My kids all think we should get one. Some day, maybe.

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