Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Rain, Slush, Melting Lake

Big Red

It's a gray morning, what else, both sky and lake as the snow has melted in our front yard, showing the grass.  And so it goes in a Chautauqua winter. Sub-zero temperatures one week, Spring-like in the next. Yesterday afternoon, the temperature rose to the mid-'50s,

Still Fishing On A Gray Morning
It was strange to wake up yesterday to a great sunrise and the big melt, of snow and lake although I should be used to it.  Walking out to pick up the paper I was surprised by the warm air.  It did not affect, however, my routine as I decided on yoga, hoping it would help my stiff back, a result of too much skiing I fear over the weekend. And it worked, as I walked out of yoga feeling pretty good, my stiff back loose and pain free. Afterward, I decided to do a quick run through of Aldi's, hoping they still had Haas avocados on sale for 49 cents.  They did and I came home with half of dozen as well as eggs, butter lettuce, and frozen scallops. 

Hanging Out On Our Rhododendrons
Lunch was avocado and tomato toast,  and I heated up a bowl of last night's macaroni and cheese in the microwave.  I then watched more of FNL's, some news, while Evie worked on our spices, deciding which seemed worth keeping, which we have had for years, a difficult task.  How does one know when spices have lost their kick? Later, I read, took my nap and read some more.  Since neither of us felt like doing much the rest of the afternoon and  Evie was not feeling very well,  I joined Evie and we watched Property Brothers, always entertaining. 

Winter Woods
Around 4:30, however, I decided to go for a walk in our woods, to see if it was worth hiking.  At first, the snow's depth was a problem without snowshoes, but eventually, the trail became easier to walk and at times, I walked on leaves, the snow on the trail having melted. 

The Lake At 5:00 PM
When I returned home, we both adjourned to the living room for our wine time until we became hungry.  Dinner was easy, just plate the leftover Greek chicken and rice, pop it in the microwave and make a salad.  The Greek chicken is always just as good as a leftover, one of the reasons Evie makes enough for two meals.  We watched Colbert, some of the news, then another episode of The Great English Baking Show. 

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