The Loneliness Of A Cross Country Skier |
7:09 |
It's an early morning for me as I have breakfast at 8:00 in Lakewood at Schuyler's, then I have a drive to Niobe, about twenty minutes to get my brakes repaired at Finn's Auto. We had quite a bit of snow last night, so it will be slow going to Finn's and since it so far away, I will just have to wait there for my car. I am sure there's no wifi so I will just bring my Kindle, perhaps go for a hike if the weather is decent.
7:10 |
The hearings reminded me of the Kevauger hearings in 1951. One of my earliest memories is sitting on the floor in our living room as my Mom, then, was ironing and listening to the hearings on the radio. Secondly, like Cohen's testimony, the nation was glued then to the radio, yesterday to their TV's. Because it did not start until 10:00, I decided to go to yoga, on slippery and slushy roads, a result of wet snow overnight and uncleared roads. The class was the usual six of us, with Jen and it's always good. I stopped for coffee, in no hurry to get home to the hearings, talked with Dave and was home by noon, missing the first couple of hours of testimony. I am sure by listening for an hour before lunch, I was able to digest most of the hearings, the Republicans impugning the veracity of Cohen, never once mentioning Trump's lies. Meanwhile, the Democrats lead Cohen through his various dealings illegal or otherwise with Trump. And so it goes.
Lunch was a respite from serious men with contrasting ideas. Earlier, Evie had made black bean soup with sweet potatoes, topped it with chips and avocados, a lunch I would like more often. Hint. I watched with Evie until 1:30 when I returned to my Kate Atkinson book, took a nap, then came back down to watch more of the hearings for a few minutes, then return to my book.
Skiing in White |
At 3:30, despite the fact it was snowing, I put on my cross country skis and tried out the lake. I stayed in our area because the lake was mushy in front of both Woodlawn and Victoria creeks. It felt good to be out there, however, the snow hitting my face and I lasted for a half hour before coming in to watch more of the hearings, again, for about 10 minutes before I got bored.
Long Point In The Snow |
Around 5:30, the hearing was finally over and we decided to celebrate with a Manhattan or two, the lake a blur because of the snowfall.
Falling Snow/Sleet At 6:45 |
Dinner was made mid-afternoon, rigatoni with pasta sauce, sausage and mushrooms. It hung out on the stovetop as we enjoyed our cocktail and appetizers.
Dinner was just want we wanted, warm rigatoni pasta with mushrooms, sausage and lots of parmesan cheese of course. We watched the news, listening to the pundits tear apart the Cohen hearing from their perch, either CNN or Fox News depending on your prejudice. We ended the evening with The Great British Baking Show and Vice News because Colbert is on vacation, the bum.