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It's a quiet morning at the lake, after at least 12 hours of ferocious winds. It was strong enough to close roads in some areas because of wind damage, ban empty container trucks from Interstate 90, and take out the power in thousands of homes. Fortunately, we were spared any real damage, just a few small limbs down in our yard. I cannot remember when we have had such a sustained and damaging wind in our area. At times, it literally shook our house, with gusts, according to the weather man, of 70 miles an hour in some areas. And though it's sunny ad 36º at the moment, a couple inches of snow is forecast for tonight.
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Yesterday was a busy morning, as I drove to Erie for another unnecessary doctor's appointment, one of those your local doctor makes when you are not feeling well but by the time your get an appointment and get to the office, you are fine. And so it went. Afterwards, I stopped at the great Wegman's store in Erie, did a bit of browsing but emerged with a few spices. I then stopped at a RV park, across from the Erie Subaru dealer to get an estimate on a hitch for my car. I will be back. I then took the long way home, driving along #20 to the cute village of Northeast, checked out one their upscale restaurants, The Cork, 1794, and then stopped at Orton's Grocery, to pick up a gallon of my Pot O Gold milk, in a glass container. I then braved the winds along #20 to Ripley, then along the still brown and snarly vineyards of New York state, until I hit Westfield. I cannot drive through Westfield without stopping to see if Portage Pies is open. It was and I walked out with a freshly baked raspberry pie for our dessert. As I started home, I was stopped in the middle of the village and told the road to Chautauqua, Rt # 394, was closed because of wind damage, so I had to take a round about way home. Evie was also in Westfield for an appointment just about the same but made it through just before the road closure. By the time I got to the Lighthouse Grocery, I was starved so I picked up a sub and took it home and shared it with Evie, along with a bowl of lentil soup. It was good to be home again after a morning of driving.
Mid afternoon I was book less, as I had finished ONCE WE WERE BROTHERS. So I jumped in my car, braved the winds and drove to the Smith Library and came home with four books, all which I want to read. The rub....I have to make a choice, not fun. By the time I got home, it was wine time, so Evie prepped a few things, the salmon, garlic spinach and rice and then sat down to enjoy the moaning and house shaking of the wind. We had a great dinner and were grateful that neither our electricity or cable went out because of the wind. We watched another confusing episode of the BBC thriller, The Honorable Woman. We ended with Vice News, as always it seems, then went up to bed, hoping the winds would subside. They did, eventually.
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