6:17 |
7:17 |
7:37 |
It's 7:20 and I have been up for an hour, on a chilly 16º morning, the lake partially frozen, the front yard snow covered, a few snowflakes falling. The weather goods obviously cannot make up their minds whether it's winter or spring. I vote to continue winter, please.
Yesterday, we woke up in Buffalo, enjoyed the breakfast coffee at our Hampton, then went to Evie's doctor's appointment. They then sent her to another doctor, a TMJ specialist and ordered a few more tests. Once we finished with the doctors, we did some shopping before heading home. We have been wanting new lampshades, so we stopped atTarget and Pier One with no luck, so we decided to browse Pattons, a lamp store in Fredonia. We ended up at Walmart first, as Evie was looking for some picture frames to match those in our house. We just happened to walk by the lamp shade aisle and found just what we wanted, no doubt at a quarter of the price of what we might have found at Pattons. We cannot drive through Fredonia with out stopping at Tuscany, a great Italian deli with all kinds of kitchenware. I ordered a sub while Evie browsed all the cool stuff. We drove home the long way, along #20, passing miles and miles of vineyards before arriving home around 2:30.
5:58 pm |
It was so nice to be back in our home, with our lake view, the gray sky opening to touches of buff and blue. We did not feel much like accomplishing anything other than putting together a dinner. So Evie got out some frozen meatballs, added a sauce and we had an easy dinner. She baked them in the oven while we had our wine time, listening to the pundits go crazy over the 'dazed and recused' Jeff Sessions, his lying or or truth telling, a white wash or witch hunt depending on your politics.
We had a salad with our spaghetti and meatballs and watched the first two episodes of HBO's BIG LITTLE LIES. Set in upscale Monterrey, CA, we get glimpses of the back biting, gossipy smallness of the wealthy, cappuccino drinking, yoga attending moms. It's decent not great. We ended with a boring Stephen Colbert, as we are tiring of the political jokes or it was just an off day.
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