6:40 |
6:42 |
7:`14 |
7:15 |
7:20 |
7:25 |
It's sunny, with blue skies and a few clouds at 7:45. When I went out to get the paper, birds were singing, geese honking, ducks quacking, filling the air with delight at springs arrival. What a contrast between the outside and the news inside. Maybe I should turn off the radio! The living room is filled with light, the lake, bright and shiny, the temperature a nice 39º. O happy day.
Morning Fog |
Kayak Morning |
Yesterday started out with a dreary gray, then a heavy fog, obscuring much of the lake but mid afternoon, it cleared up some, as if the weather gods had a mood swing. Around 10:00, I was going to go for a walk when I realized the lake had practically disappeared behind the fog. Well, I couldn't resist the temptation to kayak out and into it, so I quickly put on my life jacket and paddled out, hoping to lose myself in the gray. The fog, however, always seemed to be ten yards or so ahead of me as I paddled and the shore was always visible. I did hear a single loon cry out, it's sound echoing over the lake. I was out for about forty five minutes, paddling in and out of the mist until I had enough and went home. It was the way I would often start my mornings in the warmer weather, getting in a paddle before yoga. It's about time I start again.
Spring On The Lake |
Lake, Fog, And Clouds |
I left to take a walk around Lakewood at 11:00, leaving Evie to spring clean some of the upstairs bedrooms and bathroom. I am not much use when there's cleaning to be done other than vacuuming the carpet. It was gray and drizzly as I walked some of the streets after getting a coffee, not quite the same way as walking in the woods. I stopped at the Lakewood library, did some browsing but walked out without a book, as nothing interested me.
When I got home, the upstairs was beginning to take shape. So I heated up the leftover shrimp and vodka pasta and watched part of the another Wallander, this time set in Riga, now a city in Latvia. I then dove into AMERICAN PASTORAL, which I really like, as much of it takes place in the mind of a teen growing up in the 1940's and 50's, my era. Around 3:30, after a brief nap, I realized I had an overdue book, so I drove to the Smith library and returned it and checked on the work on the Amphitheater.
At 2:00, Evie had put the corned beef I bought last week into the slow cooker and basically that was it for dinner until it was time to pull it out around 6:30 and slice it. We did manage to get in forty five minutes of wine time before dinner. The corned beef, alas, was a bit tough; either it needed to cook more or I sliced it too thick. Still, it tasted good and I look forward to a corned beef sandwich on rye today for lunch. I think after that I will have had enough corned beef till next February. We watched an American Crime, still depressing and another episode of THE FALL, also depressing, so we needed an antidote to the gloom and watched an Everybody Loves Raymond, which always makes us laugh. Then, it was time to dive back into the 1950's, with Nathan Zuckerman.
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