6:48 |
7:24 |
7:24 |
8:10 |
It's now 8:00 and fog has taken over the lake, blocking out any view of Long Point. It's 41º out and a light rain has been falling on and off since 6:45 when I got up. I woke to the sound of geese and ducks, a sign of spring, although I have seen only a couple cruising by this morning. It's almost but not quite a kayak morning.
Yesterday was gray and wet early although late in the afternoon, it cleared up some, surprisingly, contradicting the weather guys. For me, it was a good day to get something done, putting a hitch on my Subaru so that I can tow my boat in and out in the spring and fall. My dealer had recommended Boyer RV which was literally across the street. I called them around 8:15 to see if they had the right hitch and made an appointment in Erie for 10:30. It takes forty five minutes to get to the Peach Street exit on #90, so I was right on time. It took little over and hour to get the hitch attached and wired. I amused myself by walking around the grounds looking at the vast assortment of huge RV's, hundreds of them. They must have an inventory of millions and none looked like they were less than a hundred thousand unless they were used. Who buys these monsters of the road? After getting my car, I decided to visit the great Wegman's store on Peach Street, ten minutes from the RV place. While shopping, I got a call from the dealer to say they had forgotten to put the rubber mat back in my Outback. So I drove back, drove to the garage door and the mechanic sheepishly put the mat back in my car. On the way home, I decided to treat myself to a Chick-Fil-A meal. It was crowded as usual, especially at lunch time. The drive through was so busy that I parked my car and went inside to get my meal, a good choice.
I got home around 1:00 and Evie had been busy, tidying up our pantry which needed it. It is full of just about anything we might need, paper plates, canned goods, bottles, booze, pressure cookers, light bulbs, tool chest, paper towels, extra pots and pans, and a wok. You get the idea. It's something that once you are done you could almost start over again. So that was her task on and off during the afternoon, as she paced herself, watching some TV, then back to tidying up. While Evie was busy, I took a nap and started a new book, AMERICAN PASTORAL by Phillip Roth. I have never read this novel and have wanted to for a couple of years so I decided to 'just do it.'
Kayak Afternoon |
Around 4:30, the lake was beckoning, smooth and gray, so I put on my life jacket, got out my paddle, and jumped in my kayak, just as it started to drizzle. By the time I got down to the end of Victoria, however, the sky began to clear and I had a nice paddle down to Wells Bay and back in the sun. I was out for about forty five minutes, obviously the only person on the lake, the crazy guy.
Woodlawn/Victoria |
Late Afternoon Clouds And Blue Skies |
When I got back, Evie was putting together our dinner, of shrimp and vodka pasta, a combination that is hard to beat. Once it was prepped, we were able to enjoy a glass of wine and listen to the 'breaking news' on CNN. It's been breaking for days, Wolf. By the way, Wolf went to high school in Buffalo with one of my buddies from Chautauqua. Dinner was great, shrimp, vodka pasta and a salad and we had a smorgasbord of possible viewing options, leftover from Sunday night. So we held off our interest by watching a Vice News, then viewed the penultimate episode of BIG LITTLE LIES. This is becoming gripping, tensioned filled, as we know disaster is about to hit but we still are not sure where or how. We ended the evening with Billions, the same story, as Bobbie makes shady deals, struggles to remain a billionaire, and avoid law suit and the possibility of jail.