Sunday, December 18, 2016

Winter Wonderland Turns Nasty


Long Point In December
 I was up just before 7:00, thinking that I was hearing a snow plow clearing the road.  But when I looked outside my window, I did not see anything.  Must have imagined it.  The weather has turned in the last 24 hours, warming up, melting some of the roads and driveways, water dripping from the roofs, packing down the snow drifts.  And, of course, the temperature is dropping as I write, turning rain to ice, eventually to more snow. Ah Chautauqua weather.  Why can't you make up your mind. We looked out to see if the paper was here and our stoop is pure ice.

Female Cardinal 
Yesterday was a lazy day for me, even though I think I am over the hump, feeling much better, with only an annoying cough left to bother me.  We did make it to the Transfer Station in one trip,  two trash cans and lots of recyclables.  It actually felt good to get out of the house, to imbibe some cold fresh air although by the time we returned home,  I was ready to hit the couch.  My endurance is not quite what it was 10 days ago.

Here's Looking At You

Evie stayed outside for close to an hour, working on our parking area, moving cars around like musical chairs, so that now we are pretty well set for more snow, at least we think we can handle it now.  And the warm weather has helped as some of the areas are beginning to melt.  Unfortunately, in a couple of hours, they will turn to ice, then the snow will come, covering the ice, demanding that we drive carefully.  We are still well stocked, compliments of Evie's bargain hunting and a big freezer.  

I watched quite a bit of basketball yesterday afternoon when I was not napping.  Evie was busy organizing photographs on Google Photo until she got restless and went outside again, shoveling some of the damage done by the snowplow, as the plow always leaves a foot or two wall of snow in front of our car.

For dinner, we were having one of our Turkish favorites, tas kebab, a simple stew of meat, tomato paste, onion and allspice.  It does not sound that good but it is.  It's served  on mashed potatoes and that was our dinner along with cauliflower au gratin.  We finished it off easily, none left for tonight's dinner alas.  We watched a C- film called DOUGH, about a Jewish baker who hires a young African Muslim as his helper.  Obviously complications occur because 'a bad guy' wants to buy the building and turn it into a business complex but all's well that ends well, right.

At 9:00, we then watched the NCAA woman's volleyball finals from Columbus until 11:00, the decided to watch the rest this morning.  Stanford was playing Texas in a couple of amazing matches. And we stopped, watching with Stanford up 2-1.  We were rooting for Texas because our grandson, Mitchell, is at the University of Texas, Austin.

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