Friday, December 16, 2016

All Quiet On A Frozen Lake

I slept until 6:00 when I woke coughing, so I just decided to get up.  I hunkered down in our TV room, watching the news, drinking coffee, reading on my computer, and falling asleep, my modus operandi recently.  It was 8º when I woke and it's now, at 9:00 , a toasty 11º.  Best of all, Evie is still sleeping, something she really needed.

It took me awhile to realize something had changed when I moved to the living room, that the lake froze, all the ducks, swans, and geese have gone.  I assume this is close to a a record setting freeze for the lake.  It looks like it would be great for ice skating since there's little snow on its smooth surface but it's no doubt too thin.  And even the sun has been trying to break through  the clouds, making it almost a sunny morning despite the mostly gray sky.

The best part of yesterday was Evie's chicken and biscuits for dinner.  It took quite a bit of time to put together (because of a few missteps) but it was worth it.  Other than that, the day was the same as the past few, laying around the house, coughing, napping, reading, taking pills, occasionally having a cup of tea or juice, or some breakfast or lunch.  It snowed on and off and was bitterly cold so Evie smartly did not venture outside to clear off our drive way.  That can wait.

I did find myself enjoying a couple of episodes of Wallander, the Swedish version, and I really like the detective's gentle character.  I am looking forward to watching more today.

Long Point, Mid Afternoon
Nothing much happened otherwise. Evie kept busy somehow, probably taking care of me and making my breakfasts and lunches and dinner.  Fortunately, she seems to have gotten over most of her pneumonia but she has to take it easy and not push herself.

After our great dinner we watched the last episode of RECTIFY, a bit too saccharin for both us, but who is going to argue with a happy ending.  And we watched Designated Survivor which ended on an assassination attempt on the President but we won't know if he survived (I am sure he did) until March when the series continues.  I was ready for bed at 10:00 but Evie stayed up for another hour going down memory lane looking at old photos on our recently installed iGoogle.

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