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6:45 |
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Blue On Green |
I was up at 6:30 and the coffee was already brewed as Evie was up earlier because she couldn't get back to sleep. I hate that, waking up earlier than you want but you know you will not be able to get back to sleep so you might as well get up. Anyways, it started to cool off yesterday afternoon and it's a chilly 50ยบ at the moment and it looks like we will have cloudy weather most of the day though no rain, a good day to work in the yard.
Yesterday was another fine day, the kind we love, not too hot lots of sun, the kind that makes you want to both work outside or relax on the dock. Unfortunately, we had things to do in the morning, which cut into our relaxing time. Evie had some shopping and haircut in Lakewood, and came home with a cool ottoman for our porch, some cushions for our chaise lounges, some paint for our plastic chairs so they will match our porch furniture, all bought at our favorite store Walmart! And she stopped at Mike's Nursery in Lakewood, picked up some wave petunias, some ornamental grasses and potting soil. We are getting serious about the garden and window boxes. I, however, just went to yoga at 10:00 and it was our teacher's last class before moving to Colorado. At the end of class, while we were relaxing, she read, like always, a passage from a yoga text, and started to sob as she read. The fact that this was her last class, that she was leaving behind lots of students, friends, and family was too much for her, thus the tears. Her Mom, who attends class as well, was in tears as well, as was the rest of the class by the time it ended. Only the 'big guy' managed to avoid tears. It was, however, moving to see her so emotional about her classes. I did give her a hug and a 'Turkish kiss,' thanking her for her class. We will miss her.
Evie did not get home from shopping until early afternoon. I had pork and sauerkraut for lunch, watched some Sports Center. As I mentioned, Evie had stopped at a nursery but they did not have ivy geraniums, the kind we like. So I got on the phone and called around and found out that Westfield Nursery was the only one I could find that had them. So, I jumped in my SUV and drove off to Westfield on a sunny afternoon. It was actually a lovely ride out and back, and I took some of the back roads through the slowly greening grape fields that fill the hills along Lake Erie. I picked up 12 plants for our pots and we hope to put them in later today. We then worked outside, as I raked and scraped the moss off the roof of our garage and Evie worked in the yard, trimming and shaping some of our pine trees.
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Nightly View From Our Porch |
We then relaxed on our porch, with some appetizers and wine, enjoying another early evening, the martins busy with their lives, a few boats out fishing in front of our house, what many consider the 'major sweet spot' on the lake. Go figure. We had leftovers from our Memorial Day picnic for dinner, dogs, potato salad, and beans, still tasty and filling. We then watched a couple of more episodes of Friday Night Lights because there was little else on TV. We were in bed early, around 10:30 to read.
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