Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Warm (40 degrees) and Overcast

Well, I have been up since 7:00 and it's now 9:30 and I have accomplished very little, other than sitting here at my new MacBook Air, perusing various websites, like checking on the reviews of the movie Inception, which I hope to convince Evie and the Mc Clure's to go see this weekend at the Reg Lenna theater in downtown Jamestown, the old, refurbished theater in the city.  The movie is very difficult to follow, one of those where you are not sure what is happening, whether it's real or a dream, or both.  Clearly, we will all have to read a review ahead of time if we hope to follow it.  Other than that, I have caught up on email, read the NYtimes, the local Jamestown paper, some of my Inspector Lynnley mystery, checked Facebook, and begun my blog for the day.

Although it's been a lazy morning and Evie feels as if she has a lot of organizing to do(when doesn't she), we are going kayaking since it has become such a  beautiful morning, a brilliant blue lake, slight ripples, with Canada geese (unfortunately) dotting the surface. Once again, it looks as though we may be the only boats on the lake...wonderful as it feels like it's our lake.

A funny story---NBA star Allen Iverson just signed with my old team. Besiktas, in the Turkish League for 2 million dollars.  When I read this story, I put it on my Facebook page, suggesting, ironically, that this is 'Besiktas's greatest coup since signing Tom Davis in 1970 for 1600 liras(about a thousand dollars).  About an hour later, I got a reply from the Editor of Turkey's NBA magazine, wondering if I would write an article about my experiences playing in Turkey back in the 70's.  It's amazing how quick communication is, how things travel around the world, something I put on my Facebook elicits a response within and hour and I reply, saying I would enjoy writing something.  A different world from our family growing up in Turkey with no television, no radio, no internet, no cell phones, no phone calls literally except on campus.  It was a good life!

Just got back from a bike ride at the CI and a visit to the Smith Library, picking up an other Lee Childs thriller, Gawande's The Checklist Manifesto, and Skippy Dies, a new well reviewed prep school novel set in Dublin.  It was another great day for a ride, especially through the CI at this time of year, little traffic, only construction workers.  It's 5:00 now, the sun is beginning to set behind us, turning the sky over Bemus Bay a soft pink.  The lake is still calm, as there has been little noticeable wind, a relief.  We are off to Ron and Linda's for a beer, then wings at the American Legion, a Wednesday tradition when they are up here.  Evie got home from the doctor and has a sinus infection...what else...more antibiotics and steroids.  She has had this on and off for a year, so it's strange that he suggests it's an infection, not just sinuses.

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