Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pink November Sky

A cold morning, not just because of the Republican sweep.  It was 24 degrees when I got up, at 5:00, mostly because I work thinking about the elections, what had happened, whether the Dems could hold the Senate, which they did.  The sky is spectacular, shades of pink blending into blue, with puffs of gray clouds above the fall hills. Occasionally,  silhouettes of birds will  cross the sky, ducks slide into the water. The lake has a low fog, perhaps a foot or two high, as it slowly rises and disappears.

I am waiting to see the sun peak over the hills so I  can take a picture; I want a picture of the sunrise for each month, so I can see how it moves as the seasons change.  It has been moving from left to right, rising over Long Point in August, moving towards Bemus Bay as the days get shorter, as fall wanes.

I spent the rest of the day, driving back to Hudson, to meet with a atrial fib specialist, Dr. Maurico Arruda, who just happened to be at my cardiologist for the day.  I met with both him and his nurse about my problem, and the possible procedure that might be helpful.  He's an expert on the procedure, from Brazil actually, and has even been on NBC talking out his work.  It was not much fun, driving 2 and 1/2 hours in, the same back, with an hour in between.

When I got back, Evie had mulched the lawn at least twice; nary a leave marred our lawn, everything was raked and cleaned, and the house was rearranged, even the heavy furniture, so she obviously had been busy while I was gone.  We had chicken, with sweet potatoes, black beans, and green chili sauce, I think my Mom's recipe.  We finally watched the first two episodes of Glee, something we had been putting off and we liked it...funny, dramatic, good music, more adult than we had thought.  No wonder Vickie Armontrout loves it.

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