Monday, November 8, 2010

Frost in the Morning

An amazingly beautiful day, with frost on the ground and car windows when I arose, about 7:00 to a partially lit sky, compliments of the change back to Greenwich time.  Then, the southeastern sky began to turn pink, the sun rose bright orange over Tom's Point, and it became to bright in the living room to read the paper or work on my computer, unless I moved to another chair.  We had planned on going for a walk to the Audubon Society, about 45 minutes from here this morning.  But the lake was like glass, so we went out kayaking for about an hour, on a lake like a piece of  glass.  No a soul on the lake but us, we kayaked over the Long Point, then along the shore north, then headed back to just beyond the campground, to Magnolia, then home.  It was glorious being out on the lake, slight shimmers of wind, the lake marked by sight ripples, or off in the distance, patches of absolute calm, smooth, as I mentioned, like a pane of glass.  We are off to the Audubon for a walk as it's beginning to warm up a bit, in the low forties as i write.

We drove about 35 minutes to the Audubon, south of Jamestown.  It's an interesting place, a modern building, with exhibits, shops, meeting rooms, and 160 acres of woods and ponds, with three or four groomed walks, for hiking for cross country skiing in the winter.  We decided to become members, then went for our walk.  Much of the trail is grass in sunny areas, leave covered paths in the woods, and in wet areas, they have put wood chips, so you are not walking through water.  I love walking through pine forests the most, dark, with light playing on the vertical spines of the trees, paths covered with pine needles, and sunlight, bright and inviting, as you near the end of the forest.  The ponds seemed quite shallow, with lots of dead wood, reeds, and Canadian geese, honking and causing a commotion.  About half way through our walk, we sat on a bench, in the sun, overlooking the largest pond, ate pbj sandwiches, apples, and Swiss cheese, and basked in the sun for about 20 minutes before continuing.  The walk, if you don't stop, would take about an hour, as it's just over 2 miles.  On the way home, we stopped at Ecklof Bakery, which has been in Jamestown for at least 50 years.  I thought I might be able to get some sour dough starter, but they don't make sour dough bread there any longer.  They had amazing looking pastries, very northern European, but  the breads with mediocre, at least the loaf I bought was.  It was soft like Wonder bread, tasteless, which is hard to believe for a bakery that's got such a good reputation.  We got home about 2:30, had some of Evie's soup for lunch, and took a nap, as we were both tired from the morning.  At 5:30, we are going off to Jamestown Community College's gym to watch a local girl's volleyball team play for the state championship.  It should be fun to be part of the hysteria of the school and town, as they are always supported by everyone in the town.  Back to Jack Reacher!

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