Monday, November 29, 2010

Richmond, Indiana to Lake Chautauqua

I have been up since 6:00 and have been sitting in the lobby of the Hampton Inn, enjoying their breakfast buffet, reading the various newspapers on line, watching CNN (no Fox News for some  reason), letting Evie sleep in, as we are in no great hurry, or rather, I am trying to not be in a hurry.  We arrived here last night from KC, about a 9 hour drive.  We ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut, and just relaxed, enjoying our pizza, watching TV, and going to bed early.  It's another bright sunny day, supposed to be the same at the lake, though it looks like rain and snow are arriving late week, which I admit looking forward to.  From Lee's Summit to Richmond, Indiana, it took 9 hours, 565 miles.

We had a wonderful ten days with Tom, Mary, and the kids.  They are wonderful hosts and the kids are a delight to be around, always happy, ready to do something.  We were the slugs this time, not wanting to venture out much, just staying home and enjoying the kids, football and basketball game, and relaxing with family.  I feel like I gained five pounds because we ate so well, as usual, when we visit our kids for an extended time, the same as Chautauqua.  We feel the need when we get together  to eat well, to have great meals, which is wonderful but after awhile, we all long for a simple meal, something healthy though I am sure I will be over that idea in a few hours.  Turkey day always means filling up with goodies, not pressure of presents, not let downs, disappointed expectations, just family, good food, and being with each other...the best.

We arrived home just after 3:00, though we cut off Interstate 70 at Springfield/Wittenberg exit RT. 4 and then took RT 68 north to Urbana, stopping at the Rothchilds farm on Rt 36 just east of the town.  It was much bigger than we remember, when we stayed at their house, probably 20 years ago.  We went in looking to see if any Rothchilds were around and found they had sold the company for 20 million around 7 years ago.  Actually, that sounds familiar now that I think about it but I must have forgotten.  I knew they will trying to pull away from running the company.  Besides the factory, there's a great gift shop, gourmet food and gadjets.  I picked up a latte/hot chocolate maker, some of their jellies, and a few other items Evie wanted.  It was one of the nicest kitchen shops we have been in, so it was fun.  We then drove though farmlands, to Ohio Wesleyan and back on to Interstate 71 and home.  I have to admit it's always nice to get home, to our house, the lake, the woods, the environment of Chautauqua.  We are lucky to live here.

Today is also Halle's birthday, so Evie's on the phone talking with her now.  It is hard to believe she is six and a kindergartener.  The grandchildren are growing up too fast. It's now 4:30 and already starting to get dark, as the winter solstice nears.  The far shore is lit by the setting sun, some of the house windows reflecting brightly, like spotlights, as the lake shimmers and darkens.

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