Sunday, August 14, 2016

Not Much Of A Sunrise

 Morning Comes To Victoria/Woodlawn
Bald Eagles Perched Above Chestnut Hill
Rain On A Kayak Morning
It's overcast, humid, but the temperature has dropped some to 72º, the high only 77º, quite a change from the past few weeks of 80º weather.  It's a strangely silent morning, at 7:20 now and I have been up since 6:00, enjoying coffee out on our front porch.  No fishing boats charging around Long Point, not even a boat in my view.  It feels like a weekday, not a Sunday.

King Fisher Looking For Breakfast
Yesterday was another exceedingly warm and humid day, so much so that I hardly ventured outside, but not Evie.  I did go for a kayak paddle with Evie around 9:15 and almost turned around because the sun, the heat, and humidity was disgustingly hot on the lake.  But I persevered and once we got to Long Point and turned around, we picked up a breeze and it got better.  Afterwards, we both went for a swim, to cool off and Evie stayed out on the dock while I went in and got all our trash ready for the Transfer Station.  We had a lot because Evie had been cleaning out the cupboards and pantry.  As always, I pick the wrong time, as cars and trucks are backed up but by the time I leave, it's empty.  Go figure.

By the time I was through, it was time for lunch, vegetable soup and tuna fish salad on crackers since we are out of bread.  And I watched some of the more boring events on the Olympics and spent much of the afternoon waiting for the men's volleyball, scheduled for 4:00 but it did not go on until 5:00 because of diving preliminaries.  Boring.  By the way, mid afternoon I checked the thermometer and it read 90º.  So what does my wife do?  Cut the lawn of course, in the stifling heat though she did take a couple of breaks to 'try to cool down,' and for some water.  There's not talking the lawn girl out of cutting her grass.

Thunderstorms A Coming
By 5:30, however, we were on our porch, enjoying some appetizers and a drink, checking the weather map to see when the thunderstorms would hit.  Well, they didn't though we did get about 10 minutes of hard rain.  We enjoyed our leisure on the porch, ending it by listening to the Avett Brothers before we went in to make another gourmet meal of hot dogs and beans.  We had grand intentions early in the day but by the end, all we wanted was something to eat that was easy although Evie did make a recipe of cookies made with leftover Cheerios, so we might have a  dessert.

15 Minutes Of Torrential Rain
We ate our wieners and beans and watched the volleyball match which I had DVRd and the Americans beat France in four, so they have a chance to continue into he semifinals.  They are fun to watch as are the women.  By the time the match was over,  it was after 9:00, so we watched some junk TV until we went up to bed to read and sleep.
Pink Sky At Night: 8:20
It's now 8:30, Evie's still sleeping and I just got back from being rained on during a kayak morning. Actually, I loved it, no thunder or lightning, just me, the empty lake, overcast sky, and rain pelting the lake's surface.  I would have stayed out longer except for fear that my camera might get wet.  From now on, I will bring along a baggy, just in case, to put my camera in if it rains.  Like a good boy scout, I will be prepared.  And I am back on my porch, sipping my coffee, listening to the gentle rain and finishing up my blog, waiting for Evie to rise.

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