6:15 |
Up too late to see the spectacular sunrise, unfortunately, and at 6:15, the living room was already filled with sunlight filtered through the trees. I have missed these mornings, waking to a shimmery lake, blue herons, and the sun. It's still cold out, 48º but will get up to the mid 70's later in the day.
Canadian Geese |
Yesterday started out cloudy but when I emerged from the dark of the yoga studio, the sun had come out and the skies were blue, the beginning of a couple of nice days. I had no shopping to do, so I came home to a lovely afternoon on the lake. We worked some inside before having a lunch and watching Jon Stewart. But it was too nice to stay inside, so we both went out, powered up the lawn mowers, and cut both our yard and our neighbors. As I mentioned, the yards were overgrown when we returned on Sunday, so it was tough going. Evie, in fact, has cut our yard three times since we returned and its still fairly high. We also took time off to sit on the dock, fish some, and Evie made some phone calls, as we were in no hurry to finish. We also did lots of pruning, as the severe winter has devastated much of our shrubs. Most if not all of our privets have died, as has our japonicas. This has been true all over Chautauqua county. I talked with Mike of Mike's Nursery in Lakewood and he said he lost all of his stock over the winter. He intends on having a 75% off sale next October since nothing seems to survive the winter.
Our friends, the McClures, picked us up at 6:30 and we returned to our old standby, the Seezurh House for dinner. It was busy but not crowded, perfect for a Tuesday evening. They are trying to spice up their menu with some specials, so I got a perch po'boy with slaw and a cajun sauce. It was really quite good. Evie got her usual, a chicken sandwich, with barbecue sauce. It was fun to get together with Ron and Linda, as we haven't seen them in close to a month. We left as the sun was setting over Tom's Point. We got home around 9:00, in time to start a new British crime series called Broadchurch. Like most of these Brit shows, we miss a good part of the dialogue because of the British accent. Annoying.
8:36 |
Today I launch my boat, so I have lots to get ready, among them getting a license for my trailer in Mayville so I am legal for the five mile trip to the boat launch.
That second pic with the ducks could be a painting--so pretty.