Pop |
Mom |
A Grumpy Couple |
I did not get up till just before 7:00, a result of our newly darkened bedroom with blinds and curtains. No early morning sun for us. And even though a window was open. the bass boat have yet to arrive and martins are the only morning sound. A few minutes ago I did see a couple of blue herons fly by which is unusual because they are rarely in pairs. It's 54º and will remain cool the rest of the day with some sun later in the day. The martins at the moment are all in a tither, perhaps a mating dance, rising and falling almost to the water, as the male chases the female.
6:53 |
I had yoga yesterday at 9:30 and neither of us did much before I left. I had an eye appointment at 11:00, so going to yoga 9:30 worked out well because the doctor's office was ten minutes away. My prescription has changed slightly, not enough to warrant a new pair of glasses. Afterwards, with a pair of plastic sun glasses to protect my dilated eyes, I shopped at Wegman's. What else do I do two or three times a week. Wegman's has once again changed its aisles, so I walked around aimlessly a number of times.
When I got home, a nice loaf of homemade bread was sitting on the counter. Yum. I looked around for Evie and she was already out on the dock, enjoying some sun because thundershowers were forecast for much of the afternoon. After putting away the groceries, Evie came in and made us both a salad with leftover salmon for lunch. I also had a bowl of lentil/bulgar soup, a few pieces of the leftover baguette. I was feeling a bit off, so I stayed inside and read, took a brief nap while Evie went back out to enjoy the dock before the rains came. Well, they never came, so we spent the afternoon enjoying the sun and blue skies. I went into the water and put some braces on the end dock pieces, hoping it would help to stop the wiggle when we walk. Meanwhile, Evie fished and caught three or four nice perch but threw them back. When I was done, Evie brought out a couple of beers, endamame, chips and mango salsa. Usually, on Friday's boat action picks up but yesterday it was still quiet, perhaps because its still early in the month. We decided to kayak because the lake was empty and fairly calm. Unfortunately, by the time we got out on the water, paddled over to Long Point, the wind had picked up and we had a struggle getting back to our dock, as the waves picked up, hitting our kayaks, at times getting us wet. It was not the most fun paddle.
End Of A Day |
For dinner, we had breakfast, as planned. Organic eggs, bacon, home fries, and toast. It rarely gets better than that. And we watched three more episodes of Broadchurch, still annoying because we miss at least a quarter of the dialogue because of the British accents, but hear enough to know what's going on. I finished David Axlerod's BELIEVER a couple of days ago and am into H is for HAWK, by British writer, Helen Mac Donald, ostensibly about a young women who decides to train a goshawk, the most challenging of birds. Interestingly, she alludes extensively to a book I read back in my Istanbul days (which I loved) called THE GOSHAWK, written by T. H. White, the author of another of my favorite books, THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING. Needless to say, I am enjoying it and I have decided to get a goshawk rather than a dog!
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