Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Cuban And Reuben Night At The Viking Club

Blue Heron On A Foggy Afternoon
Another cool, almost cold morning, 48º and windy and gray.  A wrinkled lake, busy purple martins, and a blue heron people my early morning.  I have been up for an hour and it's now 7:10 and Evie has just gotten up to join me, listening to NPR.

Yesterday, our first day back at the lake, was cool and damp, with a light rain, almost mist like, on and off during the day.  The sun never made it out.  I returned to yoga after a month hiatus.  It was good to get back to class and it was the most crowded I have ever seen, 20 of us shoe horned into class.  Everyone must have the same idea...start a new life on the 1st of June.  I did not feel as if I had been away from yoga for a month which was good.  Afterwards, I stopped at Ryder's cup for coffee, and picked up a dozen fresh eggs.  Then, I drove to Wegman's to shop, as our cupboard was bare, stocking up on the staples and a few goodies, like chocolate ice cream with peanut butter and nuts.  I had not been in a grocery store in awhile so it was soothing to be back though Wegman's has, once again, rearranged their 'goddam' aisles so I had a difficult time finding things.

For lunch, I had ramen and a couple of hot dogs, not your most healthy lunch but tasty and we watched a Nurse Jackie.  I am getting tired of reading BELIEVER, as it is getting repetitious though Axelrod's portrait of Obama is always admiring, as he, in contrast to Fox News portraiture, seems presidential, in control, cool, and reasonable, in contrast to the Congress.  At the moment, we are at the point where Obama passes the Obamacare bill, an amazing accomplishment considering not one Republican voted for it.  The book does give an insiders view of the political system, always messy, filled with the need to compromise unless you face a party that refuses to play the game.  Obama always seems above the fray, idealistic but pragmatic.  I guess a portrait of him by a colleague would have to be admiring.

Mid afternoon, Evie powered up the mower and cut the pasture like yard twice, even though it was wet, a mist falling at times.  I worked on cleaning up our porch, then getting out our yard furniture, putting chairs out on the dock, so we will be ready for the summer.  By 6:00, our yard was back in shape and Evie could relax, knowing that the lawn was happy, hair cut and all.

A Cuban, A Reuben
Her reward was to be taken out to the Viking Club because it was the first Monday for Cubans and Reuben's, our favorite night at the club.  We  got there around 7:00, to a half empty bar, a few tables filled  but not as busy as we had thought.  We sat down at the bar, said aloha to a couple of the regulars, then quickly ordered a Cuban for me, a Reuben for Evie.  They were every bit as good as we remembered, and we were even able to bring home half a sandwich for today's lunch.  It was a gray, wet and windy day at club, not spectacular sun set, just a solitary sail boat bobbing on the choppy waters.  We did not get home until 8:30 and watched Real Time with Bill Maher, his guests, Robert Kennedy junior, an avid environmentalist.

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