6:46 |
Old Glory |
Martin Perched On A Cairn |
It's been raining every since I got up, about forty five minutes ago. It's a gray morning, of course, a quiet lake, no fishing boats yet. The only life, a couple of martins perching on their house. It's 59º and we most likely will have rain on and off during the day, in fact, for the next four days rain is forecast. Good Kondo-izing weather!
Yesterday was a day, like today I suppose. As I drove to yoga, I drove through a heavy rain, but when I got to Lakewood, it had stopped. After yoga, it was raining again, this time in Lakewood as I got my coffee. When I got home, it was fairly nice out, the lake smooth and inviting. So we got out our kayaks, despite the gray, at times threatening sky. We were out for around forty minutes, mostly along Woodlawn and Victoria. For some reason, we have noticed a number of turkey vultures around, perched in trees, looking for food along the lake bank. They make the martins nervous for good reasons, and Evie watched as a martin flew towards a vulture and bopped him on the head. We wanted to cheer.
Kayaking At Noon |
We then had lunch, almost the end of the lentil/bulgar soup and a quarter of a left over sub sandwich. Because we are having company for dinner both tonight and Friday, Evie had made a mega list for Wegman's, so she took off around 1:30, iPad in hand, shopping list on the Wegman's app, which tells her which aisle each item sits, especially helpful since they have rearranged their aisles, again. Since I was up later than usual, watching the Cavs game, I took a great nap, one of those where you are completely zonked, no restlessness. I read some, fished, caught a nice perch, then helped Evie with the groceries when she came home.
Around 5:00, I wanted to take a shower but the water went off. I checked the filter, took it out, put in a new one, but could not get it to sit right so that when I turned the water on, it leaked. I tried four or five times, as did Evie, very frustrating because we have never had this problem before. We finally gave up, put the filter on the by pass, and everything was fine except that we will have to get the plumber over again some time this week.
Porch Sitting |
Storms Arising |
It was partly cloudy late afternoon, but we both thought perfect for sitting on the porch with some cheese and crackers, and a couple of glasses of wine. And we were right, as we sat out there, enjoying the vista, Evie taking even more photographs of the martins, the changing sky, the occasional rain, and lake. We finally went in for dinner around 7:45. Evie had sauteed some mushrooms, added them to the leftover spaghetti from the other night, and we had an easy and tasty dinner...nothing like leftovers to warm my heart. We watched some Jon Stewart and Bill Maher before going up to bed to read.
Heron Stepping Out |
Launching |
It's still raining as I finish this; just enjoying the morning, perhaps yoga, then getting some things done in the house, and helping Evie prep for dinner tonight with the Leonards and Joneses.
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