8:00 |
7:53 |
Up at 7:00, to an partly cloudy morning, 62º outside, a few boats out already, even the roar or two of a bass boat. They will be back as the open season on bass should be soon, if not tomorrow, Saturday morning.
Kayak Evie Joy |
Yesterday began with me feeling poorly but by noon, I felt almost normal. It was a busy day for Evie, as usual, but she took time out to take a long kayak paddle, across to Tom's Point and back. I felt too uncomfortable to go with her though I was tempted. She was gone for over an hour, enjoying being on the water, the sun, the lack of a wind, in short, a perfect morning for a paddle. When she got home, I was in the yard, feeling better, working on taking out more dead wood from our privets. I easily filled a couple of garbage pails with the branches, and it took two trips up the hill to get rid of all the wood. Despite all the dead wood, the privets that have died, our side yard is looking better each day as the plants are rebounding, showing some growth, the rebirth of indomitable nature.
Solitude |
Evie wanted to give the front porch a good cleaning, so I helped take the furniture off it, and she vacuumed, then washed the floor, the walls, and the curtain. While she was doing that, I was sweaty from working in the bushes, so I took my first dip of the day, cooling off. The water temperature at this time of year is invigorating, bringing back one's energy and vitality, like a power drink I suppose.
Roofing, Amish Style |
While I had my lunch, leftover eggplant, spaghetti, and a chicken thigh, Evie drove off to get a document notarized at the North Harmony Town Hall and a fishing license, five bucks for the seventy+ crowd, the only deal in New York State for seniors. I finished my book H is for HAWK, an interesting read but I was glad to finish it. Since we were having company for dinner on Friday, a Turkish meal, Evie started prepping for it, chopping walnuts for the baklava, making the tahini based salad dressing, making fresh bread crumbs for the the koftes. Around 4:00, our neighbor's grandson stopped over, and he and Evie played some games, then went out and fished for awhile. I worked on the buoys, figured a way to tow them out on to the water because I attach each buoy to a cement block, and placed them out towards Long Point, to protect our swimming area. Evie meanwhile had decided to cut the lawn because it was supposed to rain today, then jumped in the lake before dinner, to cool off.
Dinner was easy and good; I had the leftover pork parmesan from Rocco's, Evie the leftover chicken from Tuesday and made a salad. We watched some of The Daily Show before the depressing first half of the Cavs game. They just looked worn out, perhaps having peaked with their win in game three. I hope not. I went up to read at half time, and will watch the second half during lunch. I know they lost though they had a mild comeback, which is encouraging.
A busy day today, getting ready for our dinner party, hoping it doesn't rain when I cook out. Time to eat breakfast out on our dock, a morning pleasure.
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