6:11 |
Fishing In The Rain |
3:30, Saturday Afternoon's Gloom |
We have had rain now for almost twenty four hours straight, at least two to three inches I assume, lots of wind, a churned up lake, a few bass boats trying to fish, certainly no pleasure boats on the lake. It's a cool 54º out, will be on the cool side most of the week. I just finished listening to a podcast of Marc Maron's interview with the President. It received lots of press, mostly because Obama used the word 'nigger,' which became the latest big story. So, few listened to the entire interview which was really interesting, as Obama talked about his formative years, his family, life in the White House, politics, and he came across as just a normal guy, intelligent and confident, someone who is comfortable with himself. He talked some about the big issues, racism, gun laws, healthcare and he seems so reasonable, sensible in a world of polarity, where facts and reason matter less than passion and emotion. It is worth listening to. There's a comfort in listening to him speak, thoughtful and measured.
A Perky Female Cardinal |
Yesterday was a wasted day, of rain and wind, sometimes a scary wind, a torrential rain, so that we were rarely relaxed sitting in our house, watching the road and yards flood, the small branches fall from the trees. Fortunately, there seems to be no damage along Woodlawn. I ventured out early, around 9:00, to do some shopping for Evie who was busy in the kitchen, making sloppy joes, vegetable soup and meatballs, to freeze so that when we return from Topsail, NC, on July 12th with our granddaughters, we will have lots to eat, freeing Evie to enjoy them. So I went to Tops, then the Lighthouse, picking up five pounds of ground chuck, four pork chops for tonight and most likely, tomorrow night's dinners. It rained both ways, both stores surprisingly busy for that early in the morning. But the Chautauqua Institution opened last night, so the grounds are no doubt busy with residents and visitors. No more free, easy access for us for the next ten weeks.
Despite The Rain And Wind, The USODA Regatta Tacks On |
For lunch, I talked Evie into allowing me to have a couple of sloppy joe's for lunch, as she was packing up everything to freeze. And, of course, I went to the Transfer Station before lunch, after shopping, getting soaked in the process, as I picked the wrong time to go. The rest of the day was a waste, as I could not find a book to enjoy, so I ended up doing something I rarely do during the afternoons. I watched TV, in fact, an entire movie, The Thomas Crown Affair, which I had seen ten or more years ago and liked. I stuck with it, on my couch, until 5:30, when it was time to get ready to drive to the McClures, who invited us to dinner, something at least to look forward to on this nasty day.
Kitchen Soul Sisters |
We had a fun time and Linda made one of our favorites, lamb shanks, with a Lebanese salad, and polenta, with an apricot cream for dessert. It was a great way to end an otherwise boring day. I can remember when lamb shanks were cheap comfort food, a cheap cut of meat. Now, they are tres expensive, sought after by foodies everywhere. How sad. We got home around 10:00 and I went upstairs to read, thinking I would start a Pat Conroy novel, SOUTH OF BROAD, which I thought I might like. I started it on my Kindle when it died because it needed to be charge. A fitting end to a crummy day.
A Man With Someone Else's Cat |
A Happy Poochie, Up Close |
It's now 8:00, Evie is still sleeping but I have been up for two hours. It's raining out, a couple of martins are perched on their house, a few bass boats are visible, and a heron occasionally will drop on a dock, looking for fish. No sunshine today, just gray, gray, gray.
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