Friday, March 13, 2015

Sleeping In

It's just after 8:00 and I have been up for 15 minutes, amazing to sleep in till then. I came downstairs to get my coffee just as the sun was rising over the horizon, filling the room with light.  Guys were already out fishing and as I walked out on the porch to take a photo, I heard the songs of birds, the roar of a gasoline powered augur.  Spring must be nearby.

Yoga yesterday at 10:00, and my friend Stan came along; he is getting serious as he bought a monthly pass which is cool.  He's a retired golf professional so I am sure this is something that he hopes will help his game. No doubt it will.  On our way, we dropped off my car at the garage, to check out a leak, get an oil change.  Yoga was good, my legs still sore from doing some of the stretches.  When I got home, Evie was ready with towels and a shop vac, so we drove over to the McClures house in Mayville, to mop up some water on their wooden floors from a leak.  We were happy to see there was not a flood, just a soaked rug, a wet floor.  So we moved the furniture, took the rug out side, and dried the floor with towels, then turned on a couple of fans.  That seemed like enough and we did not see any other drips or leaks while we were there.

Afterwards, we stopped at the Lighthouse for a sub sandwich for lunch and picked up some  ground chuck for dinner, a meat loaf.  We watched some John Stewart during lunch, catching up on some of the shows we missed while binging on House of Cards.  The rest of the afternoon I spent watching basketball games on some TV and reading, but Evie had to run out to pick up a prescription in the middle of the afternoon, ruining her relaxing afternoon.  It was a strange afternoon, as I was at sixes and sevens, wanting to do something but I did not know what.
Not Yet Spring At The Lake
Finally, at 5:00, I decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood, so I put on my boots and stabilizers for walking on the ice, and took an hour walk around the campground, enjoying the sun, the sky, the empty campground, not a soul to be found.  Behind their office/store, they have a huge shelter that has collapsed, from the heavy snow, with some boats in it.  When I got home, Evie had dinner all prepped, what a  girl, the meat loaf in the oven,  brussels sprouts cleaned, and potatoes boiling, ready to be be mashed.  We relaxed while things cooked with a beer, then ate around 6:45, a dinner I have been wanting for weeks.  It was great, just love those sprouts, meat loaf and potatoes with gravy.  After dinner, I did up the dishes, letting Evie relax, and we watched more of Stewart before binging on our guilty pleasure, American Idol, racing through it because they have all been recorded over the past two weeks.  We went up to bed around 11:00,  to start a new book, Joseph Kanon's LEAVING BERLIN, set in 1949 Berlin, during the airlifts.

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