Saturday, March 21, 2015

Hallelujah, It's Finally Spring

It 6:30 and certainly does not feel or look like spring, but it must be spring, the newspapers, radio, Internet, and television told me so.  It's 34º at the moment, and lots of rain/sleet is predicted for our first day of spring.  How apt.

Yesterday, I began the day with a snow covered drive to yoga in Lakewood, thinking noone would be there but I was wrong; we had six students, a good class, with variety which I like.  I stopped at Ryder's Cup for coffee, as the streets had melted, the windshield, so it was easy going.  When I got home, Evie was busy cleaning up the kitchen, trying to decide when to start painting our interiors.  I had a lunch of homemade vegetable soup and pizza, leftover from the Viking Club, and watched some of March Madness, something I am supposed to be doing in March I guess.

Cairn Still Standing
After lunch, I decided to take off, drop off my income tax info in Jamestown, then stopped at both Home Depot and Sherwin Williams to pick up color charts and check on the cost of their premier paints, and when they might be having a big sale.  Home Depots sale was not till Memorial Day, but Sherwin Williams, which was having a 30% off sale now, 40% from April 17th to the 20th.  I came home with mega folders on colors that supposedly complement each other and now the fun begins, trying to pick out a color.  My theory is to not agonize; look them over, then make a decision, quick.  Evie, however, will spend the weekend thinking about it, trying to find just the right combination, making herself miserable until she finally makes a decision, minutes before we have to buy the paint. I must say she usually ends up with the right color, however, I do remember painting our house back in the early 1990's and when we were done, she did not like the color much, nor did I.  We don't always make the right decision but have to live with it.
Late Afternoon
Frozen Lake, Blue Skies
When I got home, I spent the afternoon, alternating between watching some March Madness though I had little interest in the games, reading, and waiting for wine time to arrive, about 6:00 yesterday. We relaxed in our living room, the late afternoon, early evening sky the rival of any in Florida (where my sister is staying) or Zambia (where Evie's sisters are staying).  Evie made some nachos for an appetizer since we were having an easy dinner.
Still Fishing At Dusk
We had dinner, about the same time the fishermen called it quits, packed up their tents and went in, all but two, who 'stayed the course,' turned on their lanterns and continued fishing.  For dinner, Evie heated up the previous nights dinner, ham, cauliflower, and sweet potatoes, always as good as the previous night.  We watched two riveting episodes of The Americans and I wanted more.  We also had two slim pieces of the lemon meringue pie with two to go.

It's now 7:13, a heavy cloud cover over the lake, threatening like a summer storm, and  a few guys are out fishing already.  I am not sure of the safety of the lake but I assume it's still thick as we have not had much warm weather, thus the huge piles of snow from plows, dotting parking lots and driveways still.

New Think: I happened upon these words of wisdom (to live by) somewhere and liked them enough to include them on my blog... simple but profound:

The Four Agreements:

Be Impeccable With Your Words
Don't Take Anything Personally
Don't Make Assumptions
Always Do Your Best

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