Sunday, April 13, 2014

Groovy Night at Tom's Tavern, Bemus, NY

It's  just after 7:00, and I have been up, alas, for almost an hour.  We had, as the title suggests, a pretty wild night (for us) and I had hoped to sleep in but not to be.  It's summer like warm outside, birds chirping, a few sounds I don't recognize, perhaps a mockingbird or phoebe, birds our neighbors heard yesterday.  I wish I were more able to recognize birds calls.  Anyways, it's partly cloudy, may clear up later in the day, 60º at the moment, but will get into the mid 70's later in the afternoon.   Alert...NPR just announced we might see snow on Tuesday!

Yesterday, it was good to be back to Saturday yoga with Chris.  I was one of two students so we talked about his experiences living in Thailand for a couple of years, where his wife is from.  Jamestown must be quite a change from the Far East, but I think he has family here.  After yoga, a coffee at Ryders, then home to clean out the garage, head to the Transfer Station.  It was a great afternoon to enjoy, so we worked some in the yard, trimming the privets, hoping to encourage lower growth, and general clean up.  I filled three garbage cans with yard detritus, the second time in a week.  We kayaked down to Whitney Bay mid afternoon, too nice of a day to stay off the water.  A few fishing boats were out as well as an intrepid jet skier.  Spring is definitely here.
Spring Time Paddle
Jim Fox Putting Up The Martin House
Late afternoon, I relaxed, watching the Master's for about an hour before getting ready for a night out.  Our neighbors, Barb and Jim Fox, mentioned that a band they have enjoyed was playing across the lake at Tom's Tavern and wondered if we would like to go hear them.   So we joined them for a beer at their house along with other neighbors, Debi and Bud Kinney, and we then went to Tom's around 7:45. Tom's has to get an award for 'lack of atmosphere', as there's not a bit of charm to the place, all 'raw bar.'  For example, the band was in a corner, and in front of them, sat a pool table with a piece of plywood on top, a place for the band to set their beers I suppose.  Anyways, we were able to get Table #1, quickly ordered a pitcher of Yuengling, the first of many to come.  The band was not as advertised, however, we all loved them, Flash and The Creepers, singing along, as they played everything from Neil Young, to America, to Pink Floyd and John Prine.

We ordered food and I would recommend the burgers, the wings.  When Evie asked the bartender what the chicken sandwich was like, he said 'It's OK, I would suggest the combo.'  He was right.  We sat around, listening to the music, talking over it, and we got to be the band's favorite, as they kept referring to Table #1, asking whether we wanted to hear another Pink Floyd or Neil Young.  This may have been because other patrons were avidly watching NASCAR on the tube, cheering when a car wrecked. This gives you some sense of the ambience and the clientele.  Just as we we thinking of leaving, a guy came over, obviously in his cups but happy, and asked, 'Did you see that guy?  He's the spitting image of the bespectacled character Carl Fredricksen from the movie UP.  He was so excited about this that Evie offered to take a photo of the guy and send it to him, so he could show his kids he met Mr. Frederickson.  He gave us his email and before we could get up, another pitcher of Yuengling arrived so the Fox's and Evie and I had to stay for another half hour as we would not want to waste a pitcher.
With Barb and Jim Fox, Bud and Debi Kinney, at Tom's Tavern in Bemus Point
Patron with "Karl Fredricksen", from UP
Flash and the Creeps
We got home around 11:30, a really fun night, reminding me of the old days, when we would stay out too late, drinking too much beer, paying for it the next day, but happy none the less.  We both feel decent this morning, no hangover, just tired and thirsty.  And we have enough time to work up an appetite because we are going for breakfast at Red's Pancake House in Sherman later this morning. Pancakes and maple syrup are sounding better and better.
The Drummer in Motion

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