6:39 |
7:43 |
It's 7:30 and both Evie and I are up, listening to Terri Gross interview Seth Myers from Saturday Live on NPR, waiting for Weekend Sunday to come on the radio. I was up around 6:30 I think because the house had lots of light, so the sun might have been up but was hiding behind the clouds. It looks like a decent Sunday, high in 50's, partly cloudy, rain holding off till the week.
Brook Myers Yoga Workshop, Studio Panterra, Westfield, NY |
Well, yesterday for me was spent in Studio Panterra in Westfield, at a yoga workshop, the first one I have ever attended. I am used to an hour or two of yoga, but this class was two three plus hour sessions, quite a bit of yoga for a day. We had around twenty students, a number of local teachers, two other guys, two students from Eight Limbs as well as two teachers from Eight Limb. Our teacher was from NYC and studied under B.K.S. Iyengar, the founder of Hatha yoga which emphasizes precision, detail and alignment. He was one of the gurus of yoga that systematized over 200 poses, and our teacher always referred to him as Mr. Iyengar. Class was not much different from what I was used to, lots of different poses, a few teaching details to make sure the asanas were done correctly, and Brooke Myers, the teacher, was very helpful to me in particular because I have trouble with certain positions. We started at 10:00, broke for lunch around 1:00. Unfortunately, I thought lunch was to be provided but an email was sent out on Friday, saying to bring lunch but I never received it. Fortunately, a friend from Eight Limbs and Woodlawn, Dr. Landon's daughter Julie Lescynski shared a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with me and that was enough to get me through the afternoon, which lasted until 4:30. I cannot say I loved the day; it was interesting to be part of a workshop, meet other people, work at something for a good part of the day. But class was not much different from what I was used to, just longer, with a couple of new asanas but one's I don't care for since they involve either a head stand or neck stand, two areas I would just as soon avoid straining. Brooke, the teacher, was fine but I like the teachers at Eight Limbs more, perhaps because I am used to them but I find them just as helpful.
Eight Limbs Students, Lucy and Julie, with Danielle, Eight Limbs teacher (on right) |
I got home around 5:15, to house filled with the aroma of pork, tomatoes, and sauerkraut, making my empty stomach growl. I quickly grabbed a beer, some cheese and crackers, and Evie and I sat down, went over our day, enjoying looking at our dock, now in the water, ready for us to sit out on when the sun warms the day. Lots of neighbors up for the weekend, Fox's, Miller family, and Bud and Debbi Kinney and Sons, all getting ready for summer. Miller's also had Billy and Chris put their dock in, so at least three are in on Woodlawn. For dinner, we had the pork and sauerkraut, with mashed potatoes, a must for me, and we watched some TV, Bill Maher's Real Time, funny and outrageous humor as usual, plus more Friday Night Lights. We were both very tired from our day, went to bed around 10:30.
Billy and Chris, Putting In The Dock |
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