Thursday, April 10, 2014

Another Day Of Spring

7:00 Sun Rise
Woodlawn Afternoon
Chautauqua Spring
Up at 6:10, ducks floating like bits of flotsam on the water, crows standing on the ice floes, a typical way to start a spring morning.  When I went out to get the paper, birds' songs filled the air and I was surprised by how warm it was.  It's supposed to get up to 68º later today.  Wow.  It's now 7:00 and the sun in all its glory has risen over Lakeside Drive, a ball of fire, impossible to look at.

Yesterday began with a leisurely morning, like most of my days, with coffee, reading on my computer and writing my blog.  I like not having to do anything before 9:00 unlike today, when I have breakfast at 8:00 in Bemus.  Too much like having to get ready for work.  Anyways, I left for yoga Wednesday at 9:40, a sensible time to start my day.  Yoga with Elise was good, one guy, about five gals, a fun class.  I finally discovered one of the woman's names, someone I have seen numerous times at the Smith Library.  She always talks to me, calls me Tom, and I did not know her name.  Now I do...Shirley!  Fortunately, there's a sign in list, so I can usually find names that I have forgotten.  I did remember Liz, Linda, and Mike.  I stopped for coffee and went to Wegman's, to pick up yogurt, splurged on the healthy probiotic kind, almost double the price of regular.  I guess I will be healthy for a week.

For lunch, we mixed some of the leftover salmon with mayo, mustard, and hot sauce, put it on homemade toasted bread and with lentil soup, I had another fine lunch.  I was surprised how good the salmon tasted.  Evie had to go into Lakewood in the afternoon, to make various stops, then workout so she was gone a  good part of the afternoon.  I was tempted to kayak but the wind turned me off, chilling and turning the water to chop.  So I read a good part of the afternoon, enjoying my African novel, finding out their is a difference between African Americans and American Africans, differences in how they see the world, how they think, what they value.
Enjoying Wings at Viking Club
The Guys
At 6:10, we drove over to the Viking Club, in Maple Springs, and met the McClures, who just returned to the lake from their home in Murrysville (yes, the Murrysville that's been in the news). We enjoyed a couple of pitchers of beer, a double of wings, some fries, and watched the sun set over Mayville.  The club was busier than we had seen it in awhile, people in the dining room as well as the bar enjoying either wings or their limited but fun menus, what they call 'Wings and Things.'  We stayed until about 9:00, then drove home in the dark.  We watched some American Idol, but went up to bed mid way through, tired, ready for bed.
Sunset At The Viking Club
Off to breakfast in a bit, then yoga at 10:00 and hopefully, a kayak paddle later in the day, the first of spring.

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