Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lull Before The Storm (A Day of Eight Limbs Yoga, Ryder's Cup Coffee, Off the Beaten Path Bookstore)

Well, we both are sleeping in these days, getting up this morning at 7:30, a sky reminding me of Edvard Munch's "The Scream." It's warm, 37ยบ and the fishermen are already out.  It's going up to 48 later in the day before dropping precipitously early Wednesday morning, with five to ten inches of snow forecast.

Danielle DeVine, Yin Yoga Instructor
Chris Cotter,  Classical Yoga Instructor
Yesterday was a busy day, starting with a good Yin yoga class with Danielle, lots of bodies, as we worked mostly on chest and shoulder openings, nothing difficult, just holding a pose for three or four minutes.  Then on to Ryder's Cup, to talk briefly with Joyce, before I headed home, had a quick lunch then drove off to Erie to the Honda dealer, to have my 2000 Honda Accord checked over before we head to Florida next week.  Of course, everything is fine, for now, but problems could occur at any time, like the rusty muffler, gas lines, brake lines, all things I know, so why spend the money, right? Just cross my fingers and head south.  I had to wait two hours for my car, as it's a very busy place, especially yesterday.
Ryder's Cup and Off The Beaten Path Bookstore
Joyce, The Barista, with her Sister
Book Store 
I got home around 4:00 and Evie was off at the gym, working out.  I should have gone cross country skiing but the lake looked like a pond, with pools of water  scattered over its length though it did not discourage the fishing guys.  I even saw a four wheeler heading in and out, bringing supplies I assume to the guys.  Evie came home exhausted and still sweaty from her workout, so she took a quick shower, before coming down to get an easy dinner ready, yesterday's chicken, mushrooms and rice.  We watched another sleeper of a film from 2013, THE WAY WAY BACK, about a young kid, introverted and unhappy, who spends his summer at his Mom's boyfriend's summer cottage.  He befriends a quirky worker at a water park who gives him a job, makes him feel wanted, changing his life.  Neither one of us loved the movie, were put off by the stereotypical, unhappy adults, the smart assed kids.  And for the first time, Steve Carrell played an unlikeable character, the two timing boy friend. It could have been so much  better with a little less smaltz and better casting, perhaps Carrell as the water park worker.  I also finished the first John Wells thriller, THE FAITHFUL SPYby Alex Berenson and liked it well enough to contemplate starting another but picked up a Bernie Gunther novel, A QUIET FLAME, instead, my fifth by Philip Kerr.  I am now into the novel and it's 1950 in Buenos Aires, not Berlin,  a recluse for Nazi criminals.

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