Friday, January 25, 2013

Flying to Las Vegas, Way Too Early

Kinney's Woods

Park Way

4:00 PM

Vogeding Tree

Up at 2:30 with hardly any sleep, just tossing and a turning, as I want to be off in about thirty five minutes.  It's cold, 5º, but not snowing, though I assume I will have flurries on the way to the Buffalo Airport.  My plane leaves at 7:05, with WiFI, so I can fly and read the NYTimes or watch a movie.  What a wonderful way to travel.

Yesterday seemed to fly by for some reason, though I was already mostly packed.  Yoga was good, lots of people, good for my back and psyche, stopped at Wegman's, got home and had lunch, then started to get things ready for the trip.  I want the car packed before I go to bed, which should be easy.  I am not taking that much but we might go to Scottsdale for a few days which means I have to bring a bit more than I intended.  The weather has been quite nice this afternoon, and the sun has even appeared at times, a surprise.  It is still cold but warming a bit tomorrow, then some each day during the weekend. By the time we return, the road ways will covered with sand and soot, the snow starting to melt.  C'est la vie.

I did go for a great hike through Woodlawn/Victoria woods around 4:00, sun shining most of the way, cold but not unbearable, as I worked up a sweat, and it was great just being in the woods with the snow brightened by the sun, the sky an amazing blue.  The good life.  I had a burger and fries at the Seezurh House, not much fun when you are eating alone.  Where are the Mc Clures when I need them?

I had an easy drive to the airport, #90 was clear, #394 to Westfield had a light snow most of the way.  Not much traffic, obviously, long lines to check in as many flights seem to leave very early, as if this is a starting point for many airlines.  It's now 5:40 and I have a good hour wait till we board.  Let's hope I get an aisle seat or the emergency row or it will be an uncomfortable flight.

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