Tuesday, January 1, 2013

And We Begin Again

Beth and Ramiro

Carving the Prime Rib 

Evie and Her Boys

Marisa, the Book Worm

 It's 7:30 and the coffee's made, though no one is stirring, not even a mouse.  Something's different, not sure what, perhaps a new year has begun.  What ever that means, just a meme in our head, a way of organizing our world, our days, giving us a sense of control. Enough thinking  It's overcast, 38º and not going to get much warmer.  This is the first day of 2013, but our last day with the Albarrans, alas,  as we head back to Chautauqua tomorrow, January 2nd.

Merry Christmas Tree
For some reason, we spent a good part of yesterday shopping at grocery stores, getting supplies in for dinners last night and today.  It was madness out there, as if the rest of Darien had put off shopping and were out with us, picking up last minute items.  We went first to Fairway, one of our favorite stores, and picked up Serrano ham, a couple of cheeses, a baguette, and shrimp, all to begin the eating extravaganza called New Years Eve,  While Beth and I shopped, Evie and Marisa and Mitch bought a couple or orders of french fries, so they were happy.  Later in the day, Beth and I went of to another market, packed with shoppers to pick up the prime rib for last night, chicken for Evie's famous Lemon Chicken today.  No pork for us as we are 'porked out,' from the past couple of days.  The check out lines were long, and we chose the wrong cashier, as an elderly women questioned everything, couldn't get her money our of her purse, and finally had to have help.  I am sure we have all experienced this.  I kept thinking of my yoga mantra, Patience and Mindfulness.  It didn't work as I was peeved, at something as silly as having to wait in a line for extra five or ten minutes.
Happy Holidays

It's difficult to get any exercise on a vacation or during a holiday, for the host or guests, but I have managed to take the dogs, Cody or Coco, out for walks most days.  I can see how people who own dogs are often in better physical shape, especially retirees like me.  Animals make you get up off the couch and take them outside.

We did not do anything wild and or exciting for New Year's Eve, which is typical for Evie and me.  Low key, no big deal, just a good meal with family or friends.  So, we had a great afternoon of appetizers, an evening with a prime rib and popover dinner, then a film, Looper, which we watched together as a family.  Not exactly a family movie but one the boys and Rami have been waiting to watch.  We all went to bed just after midnight, with little fanfare other than a Happy New Year.
Happy New Year

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