The girls' needless to say, are excited about tonight; in a moment of candor, Halle told me that she saw a Barbie and Pet Shop present in our closet. She must have looked through the wrapping because they were all wrapped. I told her that if you sneak a peak ahead of time, you often don't get the presents, which shut her up pretty quick, and she began explaining how she's not sure what she saw. What a kid.
Listening to the story was a failure, as it was too difficult for the kids to follow and, I think, they are not used to listening carefully to a story unless it's accompanied by visuals. I know my students at Reserve had a hard time just listening to an audio recording; they had to really concentrate to follow it although I remember them vividly laughing to NPR's story Squirrel Cop. I wonder if the kids would like it. I don't think so. Anyways, it's time for lemon chicken and the works; the girls did open a present before dinner, matching Xmas pj's from Old Navy. They loved them, of course, and had to immediately put them on, though Hayden excused himself to change in her room.
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