Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Big Melt



Yards and the lake have been thawing but dangerous ice remains in some areas and large drifts still around, a result of snowplows pushing the snow off the roads. It's 38º and we may have both rain and snow today. It's 9:15 and I just returned from breakfast in Bemus. It's been rain for the past half hour on an ugly Thursday morning. 

Drilling With A Augur

Happy On His Bucket

Yesterday was a good day although the weather did little to cooperate, as it was mostly gray all day. We were both up early and by 9:30, I was off to yoga class and Evie, feeling a bit better, headed to kindergarten class where they were celebrating their one-hundredth day of school. Yoga, as always, is rigorous on Wednesdays so I took numerous timeouts. After class, I dropped a few packages off at UPS, then stopped and had coffee with my friend Paul, at Ryders Cup.

I was home by 1:00 and heated up the last of the lentil soup and made myself a swiss cheese and ham sandwich on toast and watched my show. I read some, napped, and woke when as Evie came home from school. We decided to have pizza for dinner so around 4:15, I drove over to Bemus, ordered my pizza and then walked around Bemus for 20 minutes before picking up my pizza.

Bemus Point Bridge

Bemus Shore

When I returned, we enjoyed our wine time until we got hungry. Evie made a salad, heated the pizza up in the oven and we had an easy dinner. We watched the last three episodes of Zero Hour and would recommend it if you like politics, truth spinners, pundits, and malware cyber attacks. Once it was over, Evie went up to bed and I watched the usual stuff. 

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