Monday, February 24, 2025

Partly Cloudy With Highs In The 40s




Woke to a beautiful sunrise around 7:00 but now the clouds have moved in, hiding the sun. I made my coffee, filled the bird feeder, and read newspapers and ESPN. It looks like a sunny day actually, with sun forecast most of the afternoon. Surprise. 

Sunday was mostly cloudy and gray but it ended up being a decent day. After breakfast and the blog, I drove off to Lakewood, stopped for coffee, and then went to church, I mean Walmart, for a few things we needed. It was busy as usual but I got out fairly quickly. When I returned home, I read for a bit until breakfast, scrambled eggs and toast. I watched some basketball before deciding to get back to my book and take a nap. The afternoon was leisurely until 4:00 when I made myself put on my skis and go out on the lake for a half hour of cross-country skiing. Unlike yesterday's blue skies, all was gray but I still enjoyed being out there along with a few ice fishermen, off the tip of Long Point,

Chautauqua, Not Antarctic


We both showered and were ready to leave for dinner at Guppys, across the lake at 5:45. We met Ron and Linda there and were able to sit in the bar and, unfortunately, the Men's Room so that every guy who had to pee, would stop and talk with us. We had not been there in quite a while and were surprised by the high prices but I guess it's that way in most places. Fortunately, both Evie and I ordered chicken parmesan and we loved it. Linda and Ron know the owner so he stopped at our table and regaled us with stories of his problems with the state of New York. We left around 8:15, and drove home on practically empty roads, happy to be home again. Evie was tired and went up to bed but I watched most of the Cav's victory over Memphis. I think they are real, with the best record in the NBA. 

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