Friday, February 21, 2025

A Snowy Friday Morning


Well, it's 7:53 and snowing so I looked out the back door and our cars are covered with another four or five inches of snow overnight. Unbelievable. It's not as cold, 17º but we still have heavy wind gusts, blowing the snow and so far, no ice fishing huts are out on the lake. The finches have arrived at the bird feeder but it's covered with snow so they are having difficulty finding any seeds. They seem to have left in discouragement so I filled it up again and wonder if they will be back this morning. Well, the male cardinal just appeared. The word must have gotten out because the gang is back.

Thursday turned out to be a decent day despite the cold and snow. It started with a chilly morning drive to Bemus for breakfast with two friends, what's left of our group of five. We are usually the only ones there but because schools have this week off, it was busier than usual. I was home by 9:00, and shoveled some of the driveway before leaving for Yin Yoga at 9:40. Class was different because we mostly worked on our legs and hips so I liked it. I was home by noon and Evie already had prepped dinner, butter chicken, a pot of lentil, garbanzo bean, and hummus soup. I had the soup for lunch along with pita bread and was happy. 

Mid Afternoon

Afternoon Whiteout

I am happily into the latest Scott Turow novel, Presumed Guilty, and read for a half hour before taking a good nap, waking refreshed. Around 3:00, I made myself a pot of Turkish tea and had it along with some peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies, compliments of Evie. Around 4:00, I went out and shoveled four or five inches of snow off the driveway and car, taking about 15 minutes. I then went for a half-hour walk in the neighborhood, so I was out for forty-five minutes. It felt good to walk and get something done despite the cold.


Our Road

Mail Boxes

Since Evie had already prepped dinner, she was able to relax with a glass of wine until 6:30 when we had the butter chicken, warming in the oven, over rice. We watched another episode of Doc on Hulu, then some HGTV shows, with snippets of CNN. It's hard to watch the news without screaming out in anger. Evie went to bed around 9:00 and I tried to watch the third season of Jack Reacher on Prime. Unfortunately, it was in Spanish and no matter what I did, I couldn't change it. I tried other series and they were all in English. I turned the TV on and off and looked up how to fix it on Google but nothing worked. So I ended the night as usual with Person Of Interest. 

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