Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A Morning In Black And White (The Halle Show)

Our Granddaughter, Halle



Kayaking In The Fog
I was up nice and early, before 6:00 but because of the heavy fog, I have yet to see the sun and it's now 7:00.  And I have yet to see any action on the lake, no skiers, no fishing boats or kayaks yet.  I may be the first if I ever get up from my sofa.  We should have nice weather until our kids arrive on Friday when rain is forecast for the next several days.  Fortunately, the long range forecasts are usually inaccurate.

Amish Boys
It's now 8:45 and I just finished kayaking on a foggy morning; a few boats out, a couple of Amish boys fishing, and me.

Fishing Early
Yesterday was my last day of Yoga for awhile.  Our family arrives on Friday and I need a break from my morning routine.  Change is good.  Anyways, the class was crowded, with little room for another person.  I stopped for coffee and brought home a couple dozen more eggs.  I also stopped at both the Lakewood and Ashville libraries to pick up a book for Halle.  She reads a couple of chapters a day if we remember.  When I  got home the house was empty and I knew that was not good.  Both Halle and Evie were out shopping and neither of them has much impulse control.  I expected them to come back with a car groaning with stuff and I was right.  I was able to have a quiet lunch and nap before they returned around 1:30.  It took all three of us to empty the car, another 15 minutes to put all the stuff away.  At least shopping is done with for awhile which means a day or two.

Sharing Granny's Shutterfly Album With Hayden 

Face Timing Hayden And Coco
It was another great afternoon on the lake, so after Halle Facetimed with her sister, Hayden, the girls got on their bathing suits and spent a good part of the afternoon sun bathing and swimming, with a break for Halle to read and Evie to prep our dinner of enchiladas and, with Halle's help, quickly put together a peach crisp.

Reading CHAINS
I did some more weed cutting; I rarely enjoy just lounging on the dock unless I have something to read.  So I spent a good forty-five minutes cutting weeds, as Halle and Evie played in the water.

By 5:00, we had enough swimming so I took the cover off the boat and Evie got some drinks and Cheezits for Halle and we took a nice cruise to Bemus and back.  It was warm going, coolish coming back but Halle was smart enough to bring a hoodie.

Halle Kicking Back
We had dinner al fresco once again, around 7:15 and stayed outside talking with Halle until after 8:00.  Evie and Halle played some cards while I did up the dishes.  Around 9:00, we had the peach crisp with ice cream and watched another episode of FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS.  Halle is really into it which is fun to see and it gives us lots of talk about, deciding who we like and why.  By 10:30, Halle started to fall asleep, so she went upstairs and we followed around 11:00.
End Of Day (8:52 PM)

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