Sunday, June 4, 2017

Let It Rain

Some Of The Grands Are Back


It's gray and quiet and dark on the lake this morning.  No fishing boats in sight as rain is expected much of the day.  I slept in till 6:15, checked to make sure the Albarrans arrived last night from Dallas, around 1:30 AM, a 20-hour drive.  Ah Youth. It takes Evie and me two or three days.  It's now 8:00 and it rained for about three minutes and stopped, typical lately around here.  It will come says the weather god.  Well, it's 9:00 and I just got back from a kayak ride over to Long Point and back and luckily, avoided the rain which just began.  Both Marisa and Mitch were up when I returned, but everyone else is still sleeping, even Evie.

Yesterday was a day of near panic because neither of us had been very good at getting everything ready for our daughter's arrival with her family.  Not that there is a lot to do because Evie keeps things spiffy and organized but that is often not enough.  Everything has to be spiffed up once again even though to my eye, things look fine.  I will leave it at that.

So the morning was spent upstairs, making sure it was in order, reading it for our kids and grandkids.  Around 10:30, I took time out to go to the Transfer Station with our trash, having cleaned out the messy garage a bit.  It's amazing how it gets cluttered with needless junk.  For some reason, I was not feeling chipper, so Evie made me a mushroom omelet for lunch and I relaxed in the TV room and watched the end of a season of SPIRAL  Afterwards, Evie had had enough work, so she went out on the dock to enjoy the last of the lovely sunny days for awhile and I took a nap upstairs in our bed.

I joined her on the dock around 2:30 but it was too windy to enjoy the sun unless you put up a wind block or lay supine on the dock as did I.  We both went in and Evie made up a final grocery list and I took off for Home Depot, to return a whiskey barrel planter and then shop at Wegman's.  Earlier in the week, I had bought sweet pickles, not dill, cherries without stems, rather than cherries with stems, so I returned them to Wegmans who are always helpful and got what I wanted.  I filled up my cart with stuff,  bought a 20-inch pepperoni pizza for dinner, found a quick release cashier's line, and was home by 4:30, in time to watch Evie fire up the power mower, add to the noise pollution and cut the lawn...again.  I did some pollution of my own,  weed whacking around the trees and swept off both porches and the sidewalks before putting away everything in the garage.  We were ready for the family.

We relaxed with a glass of wine until 7:00, then Evie heated up the pizza, made a salad, and we had dinner, a mediocre pizza with tasty salad.  Hey, you get what you paid for, a 20 inch 12 dollar pizza.  We have enough leftover for two or three more dinners but I doubt it, we will freeze it.  We watched Bill Maher, always funny and he got in trouble so I see for using the N word.  Will he survive?  I hope so unless the political correctness police get their dander up.  We ended the night with Kevin Spacey rigging the election, making Trump look like a choir boy.   And we were in bed by 11:00, hoping to sleep and not worry about Beth and family on the road in Ohio.  We both slept pretty well as it's not 8:00 and everyone is still asleep other than me.

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