Friday, June 16, 2017

Cloudy But Sun and Fun To Come

Lake Gals Rock

It's 7:00 and I have been up for over an hour, hoping to see some break in the cloud cover.  Only the birds have joined me this early in the morning, their song filling the void.  No rain is forecast for today so it will probably rain, just as rain was forecast for yesterday but it never did, at least here in Woodlawn.

Our Side Yard
We expected the worst weather wise but got the best.  It was sunny and warm most of the day.  We did not get started very early because we have two teenage girls in the house who are wont to sleep in.  By the time they got up, around 9:30, we had gone through a couple of cups of coffee and I had gone to breakfast and returned.  There's always some slight tension as I am up and ready for bear just as everyone else is just getting up and just wants to be left alone.  So I cool my jets, find something to do and wait patiently for the gang to get geared up for the day.  When everyone was up and 'at em,' Evie made the girls buttermilk pancakes, with a banana caramel sauce.  After they were through eating, they helped me put together my no knead artisan bread, and helped Evie make the dough for Marisa and all our grandchildren's' favorite, sticky buns.

Lake Cruising
Around 11:00,  I went out and took the cover off the boat and we all went for a nice slow cruise over to Bemus Point and back, pointing out all the landmarks to Nany and Amanda.  I was surprised by the weed growth but was happy to see three or four weed cutters were out, clearing areas along Lakeside Drive in Bemus Point.

When we got back, it was still sunny and warm, so we all put on our bathing suits and enjoyed sunning and swimming for a couple of hours.  The girls got out the surfboard and had fun trying to stand up on it and do gymnastic tricks.

The Struggle

Finally Standing
Falling Slowly
The rest of us sunbathed.  When the girls got bored with swimming, they got out the fishing rods and fished on and off until everyone was hungry, around 2:00.  Beth went in and made tuna sandwiches or wraps, so we all came in off the dock for lunch.
Marisa Hand Standing

Afternoon Clouds
By 3:00, we seemed to have had enough of the sun so we either relaxed on the porch, did some reading, played cards, or like me, took a nap.  Dinner was easy because we were going over to the Casino for wings.  We decided to drive over because of the threat of rain although it had proved to be an allusion all day.  The Casino was not very busy but we still waited for an hour to be served.  And our server was a rookie, so we were patient and nice to her and the wings were good but not great.

Enjoying Wings At The Village Casino
When we finished we decided to walk over to the Bemus Point Market for an ice cream cone but to our surprise, it was pouring out.  We waited for it to abate which it didn't, so I ran out to the car and pulled it back to the Casino for everyone to get in.  We drove to the Market and everyone ran into the store and got their ice cream.  We drove home in a heavy rain but as we reached Woodlawn, it stopped raining and we obviously had nary a drop in our neighborhood although we could have used it.  We then sat around, relaxing, as the girls went through the treasure box, laughing and having a good time as Marisa found numerous of her items now gifted and in the box, for the younger generation.   By 10:15, we were all exhausted and went up to bed to read or sleep or in the case of the girls, stay up talking and using their devices.

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