Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Feels Like A Fall Morning



Up before 6:00 to a cloudy, now partly cloudy sky at 7:00, with patches of blue, some white puffy clouds, pushing out the gray.  It's  chilly, fall-like 51º and windy, the flag wildly flapping in the wind. It was also a good night for sleeping if you kept the windows open.

Marisa And Baba

A Little Granny And Marisa
Yesterday was another less than stellar lake day, cool, wet and gray.  So most of us stayed in during the morning drizzle, enjoying our coffee, using our devices until we were fed up with them.  So Mitch then took off to work out, Rami had some phone calls to make and the girls and I decided to do some shopping at Wegman's. When I walked out to get the Subaru, Evie noticed the front left tire was flat, again!  So I called Triple A and the guy was here within an hour to put on the spare.  So we left the Subaru at home and drove the reliable Honda shopping but first stopped at Ryder's Cup, so Marisa could get her favorite drink, a frozen hot chocolate.  We also picked up some eggs as well.  We then did some mega shopping at Wegman's for last night and tonight's dinner.  Mitch had come up with a shrimp recipe, marinating it in coconut milk, tamari, tabasco, citrus etc, before stringing it on skewers and grilling it on the grill.

Deveining 4 Pounds Of Shrimp
We found fresh, never frozen shrimp from South Carolina and bought 4 pounds, more than enough for six of us. We were home with a full car around 1:00.



Sunfish Up Close

I called the Subaru dealer around 1:00 and they said to bring the car in.   So I left the gang behind and spent over two hours, getting the tire put back on, no seeming problem with the tire or rim.  What could I say?  They had no explanation for the flat, perhaps I hit a pothole.  So I drove home with some trepidation, well founded because when I walked outside this morning, I checked out my car and the front wheel is flat again.  So once again, I will be calling Triple A and driving back to the dealer today, ruining my day.  Back to yesterday.  When I got home, Evie and Marisa were out on the dock pulling in one sunfish, perch, or bass after another on a still gray, wet day.  And while I was gone, Rami and Mitch put together my grill from Aldi's, which I bought a couple of months ago.
What good guys.

Beth Making Risotto

Skewing Shrimp

Avoiding Kitchen Duty
Around 5:30, we started prepping for dinner.  Mitch, Evie and I cleaned the shrimp earlier in the day so all we had to do was put it on bamboo skewers for grilling.  While we were doing this Beth was making a mushroom risotto, which takes about an hour, of slow cooking and stirring.  Just before she was done, Mitch, Rami and I went out and first grilled some pineapple and green onions, then the shrimp and chicken breasts on my snazzy new grill.  It worked fine and it took us about 15 minutes to get everything cooked.  Dinner was great and we sat around talking and finishing off the shrimp, the risotto, and asparagus as if there was always room for one more bite.

Marisa was hot for a family game of Telefunky, so Rami quickly jumped into the kitchen and rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher so we could get started.  We had a fun game, getting on Rami for trying to cheat about every other draw and finished around 9:30.  Around 10:00, the kids went up to bed, Rami and Beth watched the final episode of THE LEFTOVERS, and Evie and I either read or played on our devices until it was time for bed.

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