A Reluctant Selfie Of The Gang |
6:13 |
6:55 |
It's 7:00 and I have been up since 6:00 and Mitchell joined me about 15 minutes ago. I am listening to Morning Joe call Trump President Bannon, the rest of the group suggest Trump is losing it, that he's not all there. Great. There is not a lot of reason to take photos this morning because of the lack of color, just layers of gray clouds, on gray clouds, on a gray lake. And little rain. Enough! It's 7:10 and a sore Ramiro has just joined us, sore because he and Mitch are into Cross Fit Training and both tend to push each other to extremes, thus the soreness. The blogs a little late this morning, as the plumber put in a new faucet, the gals got up late, and we sat around talking about what to have for dinner before finishing up the blog.
Pop And Daughter |
Yesterday was not an inviting Chautauqua day, mostly overcast with some drizzle, thus we stayed inside until dinner when we ventured across the bridge to Bemus. So, most of the group just hung out in the living room, on their devices, occasionally saying something. Marisa entertained us with her gymnastics occasionally. I did some work in the yard, setting up our compost pile for the summer, and planting more grass seed in some of the bare spots, hoping we will get some rain over the next few days. Rami was on the phone much of the day, doing work, the rest just hung out, thinking about what to bake or make over the next couple of days.
Mitch And Granny Making A Favorite, Pea Meal Bacon |
We had eggs for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, nothing special as Evie and I had to drive to Buffalo at 2:00 because she had an appointment with the TMJ specialist and was picking up a mouth guard which will keep her from clenching her teeth at night. It's close to a four-hour journey so we met Beth, Rami and the kids at the Ellicottville Brewery for dinner at 7:00.
Mom And Mitch |
The Brewery was not very crowded, only a few tables full, so it was not hopping like it is during the summer. We had a couple of their craft beers, one Evie's favorite called Blueberry, with actual blueberries floating on top. Our meals were good, most got Caprese wraps, and Marisa and I got burgers. The best was our appetizer, pretzels with a beer/cheese sauce. We always order this when we go there and it's enough for the two of us for a dinner though not exactly healthy food with the salt and cheese. We ended the evening as always when we go to Bemus Point with ice cream cones from the Bemus Market.
Crossfit Buddies |
We were home just after 9:00, fat and happy from our dinners and ice cream. We sat around letting our food digest and then four of us played our favorite card game, something called Telefunky. My Mom taught it to all of us, even the grandchildren, so we always play it when they come to the lake until 11:00 and we all went up to bed.
Stopping Traffic In Bemus Point |
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