Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sunday COLD...A Minus Six Degrees In The Shade

It's another early morning here at the lake; I am up at 6:20, to a seemingly cold house although the thermostat reads 62º, two degrees warmer than usual, so I flick on the fireplace, to warm it up some since we have company.  My niece Kathryn's husband, Jim Purcell and daughter, Shea, are skiing the next two days at Holimont and drove out last night after an all day volleyball tournament, getting here at 10:45, so they could get an early start to their skiing.  They are still sleeping at the moment but want to be up and on their way by 7;30, hopefully after a belly full of Evie's buttermilk pancakes.

A Fisherman And His Sled
Two Intrepid Guys In A Blizzard
Yesterday was impressively cold,  early morning, all day, so much so that I could only spend ten minutes or so outside shoveling the driveway for fear of unintended consequences.  So, I took my time, went out two or three times to clear the driveway and parking area, which was not too bad unless you turned around and faced the, it was cold.  Neither Evie nor I stuck to our routine: no yoga, no work out at the YMCA, just a quick drive to the Transfer Station, to get rid of the week's trash.  And Evie made a delicious split pea soup, using the old ham bone from the other night's dinner.  I had it for lunch with, what else, a ham sandwich!  Enough for awhile.  I then watched most of the exciting Kansas/Oklahoma basketball game, for bragging rights and the Big 12 Title.  Kansas won by four points.
Boy Scout's Tent
Around 5:00, we sat down to enjoy a couple of Manhattans, after all it's a Saturday night, with pita chips and hummus, a garbanzo bean dip, something healthy, right.  Around 6:30, we read that Antony Scalia, the conservation justice, had died earlier in the day and I have to admit we had mixed emotions.  We would have preferred he retired because he was no doubt the most opinionated, conservative and prickly of the the Justices.  The Onion, in its typical satirical bent had the following headline:  "Justice Scalia Dead After A 30-Year Battle With Social Justice." We thought briefly about who might then take his place and then predicted it would never happen under Obama's watch.  The Republicans would filibuster, do anything to put it off until we have a new President.  New Flash: it's 7:00 pm and Mitch McConnell has already said the Senate should not confirm a Justice until after the Presidential Election...PERFECT. Polarity, why art thou.  Pox on both of our houses, our prejudices, beliefs, and uncompromising certainties.

And, as we sat, sipping our mannies,  I have to admit, that though we listened to music the entire cocktail hour, we also spent most if not of all of our time on our devices, specifically Facebook, following various posts, especially the one I posted about the famous Turkish diva, Adja Pekkan, who all the Turks are familiar with but no one from the States.  It was fun to see the response, 99% from Turks, loving it, her, the fact that we, Americans, wished her a Happy Birthday.  We like Facebook...There!

Shea And Her Dad
It's now 8:50 and we just had a breakfast of buttermilk pancakes and bacon, with the Purcells and they just drove off to go skiing.  It's a bright sunny morning, cold as heck, but lots of blue skies, a vast lake of white.

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