Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A Morning For Ice Skating (If Only), A Night With A 'Snow Moon'

It's 7:30, the sky is partly cloudy though off towards the east, it's a beautiful blend of grays, blues, and creams.  And the lake is like one huge pond this morning, no snow, just ice, shiny and smooth.  If only I could skate, or rather, not fear falling, I would be out there like our neighbors, Jeff and Nancy, who were out skating yesterday, the entire lake to themselves, as the skated over to Long Point  and Tom's Point and home.  Wonderful.

Yesterday was another great day of sun and blue skies, surprisingly chilly, reminding me of a cold spring like day.  I did hit yoga at 9:30 with Julie, a good class of twelve women and me, lots of different asanas, which makes for a more interesting morning.  I left class in sunshine, amazing for a late February morning, to drive home thinking that I heard birds singing.  I did.  When I returned home, Evie pointed out the skaters on the lake.  This inspired us to get outside and do something so we decided to go for a walk around the Chautauqua Institution.   It was a  good idea, to be out in the crisp air, with blue skies, on familiar grounds, enjoying a walk we often take on Sundays.  They were taking down lots of trees around the Amphitheater and knocking down the waist high brick wall that surrounds it.  Thus, the beginning of a new era.  On the way out, Evie was chilled, regretting not having brought a jacket. But on her return, she was happy she didn't.

We were home around 1:30 and Evie had made chicken salad sandwiches for lunch, and I finished up the increasingly delicious cabbage, white bean and sausage stew.  I may make it again!  Because of our walk and the fact that she had a bad night, Evie decided to skip her workout and just enjoy the afternoon at home, no driving, no shopping.  So, we both wasted away our afternoon, feeling guilty because we could have been doing something.

I was tempted for go for another walk at 4:30 but was sore from the morning workouts, so I passed and we both enjoyed  glass of wine and listened to the political pundits, raging about the latest faux pas by a candidate.  Is there anything else going on in the world besides the Primaries?

Scallops With Pasta
I know I say this at least once a week but last night' dinner was one of our favorites, seared scallops, in a sauce of garlic, shallots, and dry vermouth, served over pasta.  Wow.  Nothing better on a Monday evening, with a good salad and roasted Brussel sprouts with a maple syrup and vinegar glaze. And as were putting together the dinner, we glanced out the window with amazement, as a huge 'snow moon' was rising over Bemus Bay.  I hurried out and took a couple of photos, hoping to get a great shot.

After dinner, we watched SHOWTIMES latest episode of BILLIONS, a show about the one percenters but it's hard to decide who is the good guy, the bad guy, the billionaire or the DA trying to take him down.  Right now the DA is more despicable.  And we finished the 1961 JUDGEMENT AT NUREMBERG, a timely movie, relevant today, as it depicts what happens when a nation is bamboozled by the fires of hatred and fear aroused in them by Hitler.  Burt Lancaster is powerful as a judge who went along with the Nazi regime.  And Maximillian Schell, as the defense attorney, was great and won the Academy Award that year for the best actor.  Spencer Tracy is the judge from Maine, completely out of water, who nevertheless must come up with a verdict.  The question, to what extent are these judges, non combatants but respected leaders of the Reich who went along with Hitler's policies,  guilty of the atrocities of the Nazis even if they had no direct hand in them, the prison camps, the extermination of the Jews.  The larger question, to what extent was the German citizen responsible for these crimes against humanity.  A good question that makes me think about our own country, to what extent we are responsible for what is going on in the Middle East or is our meddling necessary to stop another Hitler.  Only time will tell and the lessons of history are often obscure and hard to read, like the Greek priests in the Temple At Delphi trying to make sense of smoke.

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