Friday, July 3, 2015

On To Raleigh, For A Night

Relaxing With The Bissells
It's 6:30 and I have been up since 5:45.  My son in law, Drew was already up and Jill also just got up. The cleaners are coming around 7:30, unfortunately, so everybody has to be up, so they can get to it. We are in no hurry, as we are meeting our son and family at the Raleigh airport tonight, staying there overnight, then driving to our house on Topsail mid morning.
Coco, The Wonder Dog
Yesterday we drove our same old drive, from the lake to Bristow, VA, seven hours, leaving at 8:00, arriving just about 3:00 on the dot.  The ride was easy, mostly overcast, but no rain, and traffic was minimal.  The ride is always different only because of the seasons; this time everything was green, so different from driving here in the dead of winter or even this past spring, when the colors were just starting to emerge.

When we arrived at our daughter's house, noone was home, as they were out doing more shopping for our vacation.  By 4:00 everyone, even Drew was home,  we did not do much, just talked about what we needed to do for Topsail, how we were going to get there, what time we could get into our house (not till 4:00 on Saturday), and whether we were going to swim much because of all the shark attacks.  It looks like we may mostly be wading in ankle deep waters for the week although there is also a pool.  Unbelievable!

A Surefire Soporific
We had an informal dinner, chili with the fixings, and we just sat around talking, eating, and drinking a beer with the girls.  They filled us in on their boring summers.  Like most kids, summers for them are filled with large leisure.  At least Hayden, our freshmen to be, is keeping up with her workouts and running every day as she hopes to run cross country in the spring.

We all were in bed by 10:00, tired from the day, looking forward to our trip.

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