Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Flew The Coop

Mitch At Large
Boat Girl
Marisa, Photo By Halle
 I was up at 5:15, couldn't get back to sleep, so I made coffee and took an early dawn photo as I am not usually up this early.We are all up early because Beth, Mitch and Marisa have a flight to Dallas out of Cleveland at 11:30, and we are hoping to leave around 6:30, to make sure they are at the airport early enough. Tommy and Marlena left Monday and now, sadly, the Albarrans are soon off.

Yesterday was a busy day in many ways, much cooler, more fun to be outside but everyone really slept in, catching up on all the sleep they missed over the past few days.  So we did not really get our day started until 10:30 when I bribed the girls into going shopping with me by promising them a frozen hot chocolate with whipped cream at Ryders Cup when we were done.  So we stopped, first at the Can Man, returning all of our returnables, enough to pay for 'half of their drinks.'  We then did a quick shopping through Wegmans, with Halle manning the iPad which had Evie's list of items, with the aisles...sweet.  We wasted little time because the girls had one thing in mind, getting the shopping done so they could get their drinks.  So we checked out and drove to Ryders and fortunately there was no line, so the barista was able to make them quickly.  And, by the time we got home, they were done with their drinks.  We all unloaded the car, nice to have a few extra bodies.
Ryders Cup
While we shopped Beth and Evie went the other way, stopping at McClures to see the landscape Beth painted for Ron and Linda, then on to the Lighthouse for ground chuck for tonight's Turkish dinner of koftes, pita, tomato sauce and yogurt.  Evie also brought home a chicken salad sub from the Lighthouse and we split it for lunch.  It was a windy day, cool on the dock but the girls wanted to go tubing, so off we went, fighting the waves, getting soaked in the boat as the girls rode the "wild" waves.  They loved it and did not want to go in but I was low on gas so we had to.
Tubing With Wind And Waves (sort of)
Water Bugs
We then relaxed for an hour, and I took off to get gas, to see if I could get my boat cover repaired. The shop, unfortunately, lost their lease so they are out of business till August, a wasted trip to Lakewood.  When I got home, Evie and Beth were making dinner, shaping the spicy koftes, getting the pita ready to brown, and Mitch and I then went out and grilled the meat, taking just about 15 minutes.  Dinner was great, as this is again one of the families favorites, and with corn, and a quinoa tabouleh made for us by our neighbor, Kathy Leonard, we were set.

Evening Tubing
Early Evening Swim
Photo by Halle Bissell
Just as dinner ended, Beth learned they would be leaving Wednesday around 11:30 in the morning rather than 7:30 at night, so Marisa wanted to get one more tubing ride in.  So I gassed up the boat, got things ready, and Beth and I took the girls out for a final tubing before Marisa leaves tomorrow.  It was not as rough as earlier but still fun.  While Beth packed, the kids watched some TV, another one of Hayden's must see, Pretty Little Liars...I skipped it needless to say.  For dessert, we had cookies our neighbor Pat Jones brought, so we were set for the night.  Yum.

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