Thursday, July 23, 2015

Another Top Of The Morning

Wednesday Morning, 6:40
It's after 8:00 and I am sitting here drinking coffee with my son in law Drew, who just drove in from Virginia last night, getting in about midnight.  He and Halle are looking at old photo albums as I sit here writing my blog.  Everyone else is asleep.  I was up around 6:40, another cool morning, and spectacular out side, blue skies, puffy clouds, some steam rising off the lake because of the cool 55º air.  It looks like three great days with the Bissells here at the lake.

Geranium Up Close By Ten Year Old Halle
Photo By Halle Bissell
Yesterday was a down day for those of us left here at the lake, which means Evie and I, Hayden and Halle.  Unfortunately, Marisa and Marlena are now home, so it's just the Bissells, no cousins.  My morning was busy, as I took Beth, Mitch and Marisa to the Cleveland airport, just over two and a half hours, leaving at 6:45 in the morning, a much easier driver than I expected.  I treated myself to a brief stop at Trader Joe's on Chagrin Boulevard, picking up a couple of cases of two buck chuck (crappy but cheap) and some other goodies, getting home around 1:00.  I hurriedly had a chicken salad sandwich, then drove to Jamestown to drop off my boat cover because the guy had called and said he could work on it and have it back to me later afternoon on Thursday, today.  So I spent another forty five minutes on the road.

While I was in Cleveland, Evie and the girls worked on cleaning the house, and Halle moved into her own room, excited to rearrange her things.  Because of the wind and cool weather, no one went for a swim but I think it had to do with the fact that both Marisa and Marlena were gone, so the girls had no cousins with which to swim and play.  Once the house was cleaned, Evie took the girls to Bemus so Hayden could get in her run, and later Evie cut the lawn, while I got some small things done in the yard as well.  About 5:30, the lake settled down and the girls wanted to go for a boat ride.  So we loaded up with cheese, crackers, and drinks, and cruised down beyond the bridge and back, t shirt weather going, fleece on the way back.
Cruising Before Dinner
Dinner was easy, leftovers from the night before, our Turkish dinner along with some corn chowder, and we then settled down in the TV room, the girls wrapped in blankets, to watch a feel good movie, MC FARLAND, a true story about a group of poor, Hispanic kids in California, who take up cross country as a lark and end up dominating the State championships for ten years.  A good movie for Hayden, who hopes to start her cross country career this fall.  She has a good start, working out each day here at the lake.

Trance Balloons
 Balloon Rising
We had no mojo left, so we all went to bed around 10:30, leaving the backdoor unlocked for Jill and Drew, knowing they would arrive sometime around midnight.

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