Hawk In The Trees |
It's early, 6:30, and once again, I am sitting here having occasional coughing jags, annoying to say the least. It started yesterday afternoon to my dismay. Around 8:00, Marisa, Rami, and Evie got up, filling the TV room will the aroma of coffee. It looks like another cool but nice day.
Yesterday was another lazy day for most of us. None of us were feeling energetic, as either we were recovering from some kind of sickness, or getting one. Evie and I are both better but still not 100%. Marisa, our seventh grader, woke up with a fever of 101.5, so she never got out of her robe, though she was able to be with us most of the day, taking Motrin when her fever spiked. Evie made a great breakfast for us, especially Tyler and Brian but we had to wake them up to get them to come down and eat the pancakes, bacon, fried potato cakes, and eggs. Once they came down, they woke quickly and started shoveling it away.
Marisa Lounging, Playing On X Box |
Late morning, Rami, Evie and I worked through all the features on our new camera and Rami was able to figure out why I was having trouble downloading pictures onto Aperture, my photo saving program. I just needed to reformat my photo disk and things worked fine. Coming to Darien is like visiting an Apple store because I get all my computer glitches fixed by Ramiro. Because it was so nice outside, blue skies but cool, I took Cody for a couple of walks, the only exercise of the day. Most of the afternoon, Beth was at the hospital working her reiki on patients, Evie kept Marisa occupied, Mitch was off working on a school project with a couple of friends, and Tyler was playing tunes on his new keyboard, then working out. Around 4:00, Rami began to feel sick, so he hurried off to CVS, bought some allergy medicine...two down, three still standing, Beth, Mitch and Tyler, and a couple of walking wounded, Evie and me, not yet 100%.
Late Afternoon Sunset |
Darien Creek |
I was waiting to watch the Ohio State game at 8:30 but started watching the Oregon/Florida State game at 5:30 and by the time it was over, I hardly had any interest in watching the Buckeyes. Around 6:00, Evie started making dinner, grilling onions, peppers, mushrooms, and strips of prime rib for Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches. Fortunately, Rami felt somewhat better, Marisa too, so we all sat in the living room eating our delicious sandwiches, a good, easy choice for New Year's Day.
I made it through part of the second quarter of the Buckeyes game, when they were losing 21-6 and went up to bed, feeling weary, coughing occasionally, hoping for a good night's sleep. Rami and Marisa were already in bed, and Evie came up shortly after I went up. Mitch didn't get home until 10:30, so he, Beth, and Tyler were the last three to go up to bed. Never sure what time Tyler gets to bed, late I am sure since he sleeps in until 11:00 if not later.
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