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Tyler's Farewell Sushi Dinner |
It's 7:20 and both Ramiro and Tyler are up, busy packing the car because Tyler returns to Dartmouth for the winter term today. I think he's happy to get back, just not ready to face all the work even though he's had a month break. I don't blame him. It's always difficult to get back into the routine of work or studying. It should take them three hours plus, so Ramiro hopes to be back for the start of the NFL game at 5:00.
Yesterday was another sick day, for me and Marisa. I have developed a bad cough, cannot control it so I went to the doctor, got some antibiotics and a 100 dollar cough syrup which I did not get. Maybe I will have to today if I cannot stop these coughing jags. Other than coughing, I feel decent. Marisa felt pretty good as well though as the day wore on, you could tell she was wearing out and a fever returned.
Tyler needed to do some last minute shopping for school, no surprise at leaving it till the last minute, so we hit REI, then Costco for food items like mega Brownie mixes and cheese. Just after checking out, all three of us had the hot dog and coke special, $1.50 for both, another Costco deal we could not pass up. Joseph Banks and Brooks Brothers were next as Tyler needed a casual sport coat. We had success at Brooks Brothers, even picked up another pair of pants. That boy is finally becoming clothes conscious. It shows what having a girlfriend will do as well as attending a coed school. I couldn't resist the Costco teasers and picked up two beach chairs for the summer. I must be thinking of warm days, blue skies on the lake.
When we got back Beth was busy knitting hats, for Tyler and Helen, as well as the rest of the family. I get to take two home, my Christmas present, and Evie is having one made especially for her as well. It takes Beth just about two hours to make one hat, the difficulty getting the right size and shape. Evie and Marisa were playing cards, and Mitch was up in his room on his computer.
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Sushi Plate |
The hardest part of the afternoon was deciding what sushi rolls to order for dinner. The old standbys are easy, a spicy tuna or shrimp tempera. It's the exotic rolls that are difficult because they vary from one sushi restaurant to another and unless you frequent a restaurant, you are not sure what to order. Anyways, Rami picked out 15 rolls and both of us went to the sushi restaurant nearby and picked up our order, along with an eight dollar cup of their Asian dressing which we all love. Dinner was great and even the boys seemed to have enough. I cannot say what are favorites were because I cannot remember the names.
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Back To School |
We were not through with dinner until 8:30, and then it seemed like the rest of the night was spent with Rami and me setting up my computer so I can keep my photos on a hard drive connected to my Apple modem. It will make life much easier for us and we will have two copies of all our photographs. While we were setting this up, Evie was up in Tyler's room helping him pack and organize his clothes and stuff, lots of speakers, a keyboard, and guitar. Everything was downstairs in the hallway by 10:15, ready for packing this morning. And most of his things are still at Dartmouth! I seem to remember my Dad taking my sister and me down to Ohio University in 1961 in a sedan, and we had enough room for both of our clothes, as we took not much else. Our double rooms had a bed, sheets, and desk, all we needed back then. The only personal item may have been my record albums, perhaps a record player but that's it.
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Tyler, Our Nineteen Year Old Grandson |
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