Friday, December 5, 2014

TGIF No Longer Has Much Meaning

8:00 AM

3:30 PM, Perfect For Kayaking
It's 7:50 and I have been up for an hour, watching the dark gray turn to light gray, the lake appear, also gray, a gray day as it were.  It's 30ยบ out at the moment, and a winter advisory for today, starting at 1:00 for freezing rain, icy roads, not the kind of weather one might want for a Christmas Parade in downtown Jamestown.
New Eight Limbs Yoga Studio In Lakewood

Yesterday I began yoga again, after a fortnight hiatus.  I was looking forward to it because Eight Limbs has moved to a new building, just renovated by Danielle DeVine, our teacher.  She is excited and rightly so, as it's a nice addition to the Main Street of Lakewood.  Previously, it had been an abandoned building that she and her husband bought at an auction a few years ago but we not able to renovate it till this fall. Besides a yoga studio, it has a fitness studio, a physical/massage therapy room, and a Thai Yoga studio.  Our room is much larger of course, still in the state of transition as Danielle not sure how best to organize the room, the class.  Right now it's a newly painted room, with some shelves for yoga stuff.  We had fourteen students, but the room still seemed crowded as we spaced ourselves now that we had a larger room.  Class was fine; it felt good to stretch and move my various ligaments, muscles, and connective tissues.  Yin yoga tends to hold a pose for three to five minutes, and is not particularly vigorous.  Before class, I gave Danielle an evil eye pendant, to hang above a door, a good luck charm found in most homes in Turkey.  After yoga, I stopped at Ryder's for a cup of coffee, of course, and came home to an empty house as Evie had another dentist appointment, then planned to spend the afternoon shopping.
Danielle, Our Teacher: Namaste

It was strange to be in our house alone for four hours on an increasingly sunny day.  Evie had made one of my favorite soups, a Indian flavored cauliflower soup and along with a bagel and cream cheese I had lunch.  I put off watching Stewart and Colbert and instead, tried series I have been wanting to watch called Wallender, in Swedish, based on the Henning Mankell novels featuring Kurt Wallender, head detective.  Though it was subtitled, I soon forgot about them and was totally engrossed in the story, a search for terrorists, protesting the exhibit of cartoons, showing the prophet Mohamed, or so the police thought.  It was really well done and I plan on watching the rest of the series over the next few months with Evie.

Kayak Afternoon

Lake Begins To Freeze
The rest of the afternoon was spent reading and taking a nap until about 3:30 when the lake, smooth and silent and empty, became to great of a temptation so I went kayaking.  Unfortunately, both kayaks were on their side, a result of water turning into ice on the inside.  I was able to chip it out in large pieces or I would not have been to keep it steady.  Just as I paddled off towards Long Point, Evie honked, having just returned from the store.  She quickly ran inside, with groceries that needed to be frozen, changed, and came out for a paddle as well.  It was cold, especially our metal paddles, which quickly froze our hands.  It was energizing to be back out on the lake again, but it was cold. We paddled down towards Wells Bay, at times breaking a thin layer of ice, but soon turned around, deciding twenty minutes of paddling was enough.  Earlier in the day, we had seen a guy out fishing but he did not seem to last long.  And about forty five minutes ago, we saw a boat already out fishing off of Long Point.  What passion for fishing.

Full Moon At Dusk

After we came in, we put away the groceries, and sat down with a glass of wine in our new glasses, realizing as we drank that we had two sizes, one for white, another for red though we did not know this when we bought twelve of them at IKEA for $4.94.  For dinner, Evie bought a rotisserie chicken at Sam's, so dinner was easy, a baked sweet potato, garlic spinach and salad.  We ate watching Colbert and Stewart, then finished the TV series, Fargo, which, though violent, about a psychopath, is really quite good, even humorous at times, the kind of Coen brothers are known for.  After it ended, we channel surfed, found nothing worth watching, so I went up to bed, to read, leaving Evie to enjoy her shows.

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